Description=Returns the list of [[Subscription]] objects available in the instance and filters them depending on the parameters provided.
This method retrieves all the subscriptions (not taking into account applying some filters:* Filtering out by [[SubscriptionPurchaseType]] = Top-down) * Filtering out by GetDeviceTypeFilter (Top DownDepending if is OTT, Bottom Up and BothIPTV or Hybrid) and filters * Filters them depending on the typeFilter parameter provided (see [[SubscriptionType]]). If no typeFilter is provided, this method returns all the subscriptions.
Then it filters the resulting subscriptions applying childrenProductType filter. It will only return the Subscriptions that have children products associated (by Content Criteria) with Product Types that match the childrenProductType filter (see [[ProductType]]). If no childrenProductType filter is provided it will return subscriptions with any product types.