==== <span style="color:#7DC04E">THIS DATA TYPE IS A DRAFT FOR GVP 2.4</span> ====
Represents a Service object. Services provide access to an specific feature such as rPVR, nPVR, RestarTV, etc.
Services are not purchased standalone, they are always commercialized inside [[Subscriptions]].
{{!}}- valign="top"
! TitleName
{{!}} String
{{!}} The title name for the subscription that will be shown to end usersService
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Description
{{!}} String
{{!}} A long description of the subscription Service that will be shown to end users.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ShortDescriptionServiceType{{!}} Stringint{{!}} A short description of The value for the subscription [[ServiceType]] enum that will be shown to end usersindicates the type of service.
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! DateStart
{{!}} int
{{!}} The commercialization start date (in Unix Timestamp) of the subscriptionService. Out of this time, the subscription service cannot be purchased.
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! DateEnd
{{!}} int
{{!}} The commercialization end date (in Unix Timestamp) of the subscription. Out of this time, the subscription service cannot be purchased.{{!}}- valign="top" ! Icon{{!}} [[Image]] object{{!}} bgcolor="#FF2600" {{!}} '''DEPRECATED'''. Since GVP 2.4, this object will not be returned anymore. Only ResizableImages will be returned.{{!}}- valign="top" ! Banner{{!}} [[Image]] object{{!}} bgcolor="#FF2600" {{!}} '''DEPRECATED'''. Since GVP 2.4, this object will not be returned anymore. Only ResizableImages will be returned.{{!}}- valign="top" ! Type{{!}} int{{!}} Represents the subscription type (enumeration). See [[UNIAPI_Specification#SubscriptionType|SubscriptionType]] enumeration for more information.{{!}}- valign="top" ! Status{{!}} int{{!}} Represents the subscription status (enumeration). See [[UNIAPI_Specification#SubscriptionStatus| SubscriptionStatus]] enumeration for more information.{{!}}- valign="top" ! TrialDays{{!}} int{{!}} bgcolor="#FF2600" {{!}} '''DEPRECATED'''. Since GVP 2.4, this object will not be returned anymore inside Subcription object.{{!}}- valign="top" ! Images{{!}} Array of [[Image]] object{{!}} bgcolor="#FF2600" {{!}} '''DEPRECATED'''. Since GVP 2.3, the [[UNIAPI_Specification#ThumboxService| Thumbox Service]] should be used to perform dynamic resizing of images. For backwards compatibility, the resized images will be returned by providing the thumbox url for the images with the different sizes defined in GVP_IMAGE_PROFILE_PRODUCT_TYPE table in MIB.
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