! MandatorySubscriptionMessage
{{!}} String{{!}} A Message defined on MIB Tools by each OB per Instance. It can be used to show some message to customer on client device.
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! MovieAccessReason
{{!}} [[MovieAccessReason]]{{!}} Sets which kind of Access Right has the product.
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! PricingModel
{{!}} [[PricingModel]] type{{!}} Sets the rules of pricing is applied for the product.
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! ProductId
{{!}} int{{!}} Represents the ID of the product that this object is reference.
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! ProductTypeId
{{!}} [[ProductType]]{{!}} Type of the product reference.
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! PurchaseStatus
{{!}} [[PurchaseStatus]]{{!}} Represents the current status of the acquisition product.
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! RentalHoursLeft
{{!}} int{{!}} Timestamp that represents how many hours left to watch the content.
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! SourceProductId
{{!}} Stringint{{!}} Sets the ID of the parent product this belong an define the access right. Usually if it has been bought in a subscription or other package. For the movies bought directly, the same ID of the movies return.
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! SourceProductType
{{!}} [[ProductType]]{{!}} Sets the type of the product has been bought to allow the access right.
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