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Created page with "{{Api_DataType_Spec |Description=Represents a Schedule object, associated with the managing of recordings in the Network PVR service. |Members= {{{!}} border="2" style="widt..."
|Description=Represents a Schedule object, associated with the managing of recordings in the Network PVR service.

{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! Field
! Data Type
! Description
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ChannelId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Channel ID (internal GVP ID)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ChannelNumber
{{!}} int
{{!}} Channel Number in user's channel map
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ChannelReferenceId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Channel ID (as appearing in EPG)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ChannelName
{{!}} String
{{!}} Channel Name
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Conflicted
{{!}} Boolean
{{!}} Whether the recording schedule has been detected as "conflicted" by the nPVR remote backend
{{!}}- valign="top"

! EndTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Schedule ending time
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ID
{{!}} string
{{!}} RecordingSchedule unique ID
{{!}}- valign="top"

! LastModified
{{!}} int
{{!}} Date-time of last modification of the recording schedule
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ParentId
{{!}} string
{{!}} Id of the "parent recording" (or recording definition/schedule). The value is equal to the ID field in the case of a "parent" recording (meaning parent=itself)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ProgramId
{{!}} int
{{!}} ID of program associated to schedule (internal GVP ID)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ProgramName
{{!}} String
{{!}} Program Name
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ProgramReferenceId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Program ID as appearing in EPG
{{!}}- valign="top"

! RecordingDuration
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Duration of the recording
{{!}}- valign="top"

! RecordingEndTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Recording end time (may not coincide with schedule ending time)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! RecordingHierarchy
{{!}} [[RecordingHierarchyType|RecordingHierarchyType]] enum
{{!}} Indicates whether the object is a "parent" recording (recording definition) (value 0) or a "child" recording (value 1)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! RecordingStartTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Recording start time (may not coincide with schedule starting time)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! RecordingState
{{!}} [[RecordingScheduleState|RecordingScheduleState]] enum
{{!}} Status of recording
{{!}}- valign="top"

! ScheduleId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Schedule unique ID
{{!}}- valign="top"

! SeriesId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Series ID (in case of schedule part of a series)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! StartTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Schedule starting time
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} [[RecordingScheduleType|RecordingScheduleType]] enum
{{!}} Recording type (entire series or individual episodes)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} SeasonNumber int
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Season Number as it appears in the EPG File
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} DeleteTime UnixTimestamp
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Time when the recording will be erased (if it is != 0)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} ChannelLogo String
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' ImageUrl of the associated Live Channel Logo (Must be requested through spotlight)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} Description String
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Description of the Program
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} AgeRating String
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Age Rating of the Program
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} Protected Boolean
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Indicates if the Recording is protected for deletion
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} Thumbnail Boolean
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' ImageUrl of the Recording (Must be requested through spotlight)
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} Genre String
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Genres of the recordings, as they comes in the EPG
{{!}}- valign="top"

! Type
{{!}} Cast Array Object
{{!}} bgcolor="green" {{!}} '''NEW in 7.1''' Array of json objects with fields Role and Name
{{!}}- valign="top"


: "Id" : "525cf038-4890-49e2-8a9c-fc1e89296a00",
: "ParentId" : "db80e616-80e0-48ee-818e-a7e96096672d",
: "ScheduleId" : 4089207,
: "ProgramId" : 4419758,
: "ProgramName" : "Technical Difficulties (Image Sample)",
: "ProgramReferenceId" : "99343001",
: "ChannelId" : 5044,
: "ChannelName" : "KTDS",
: "ChannelNumber" : 1459,
: "ChannelReferenceId" : "99343001",
: "SeriesId" : 0,
: "StartTime" : 1418169600,
: "EndTime" : 1418171400,
: "RecordingHierarchy" : 1,
: "RecordingState" : 0,
: "RecordingStartTime" : 1418162400,
: "RecordingEndTime" : 1418164200,
: "RecordingDuration" : 1800,
: "Type" : 1,
: "LastModified" : 0,
: "Conflicted" : false,
: "SeasonNumber" : 0,
: "DeleteTime" : 0,
: "ChannelLogo" : "",
: "Description" : "Program Description",
: "AgeRating" : "18+",
: "Protected" : false,
: "Thumbnail" : "",
: "Genre" : "",
: "Cast" : {
: "Name" : "Jhon Doe" ,
: "Role" : "Actor",
: }

{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! API Version Number
! Change description
! Changes author

{{!}}- valign="top"
! 7.1
{{!}} Initial data type implementation. OpenPlatform
{{!}} José Manuel Escartín
{{!}}- valign="top"

* [[EpgLiveSchedule|EpgLiveSchedule]] object
* [[ReducedLiveSchedule|ReducedLiveSchedule]] object
* [[LiveSchedule|LiveSchedule]] object
* [[LiveProgram|LiveProgram]] object
* [[EpgLiveProgram|EpgLiveProgram]] object
* [[RecordingScheduleState|RecordingScheduleState]] enum
* [[UNIAPI_Specification#Network_Pvr_Service|Network_Pvr_Service]] for Network PVR Service
Bureaucrats, editor


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