=== Languages ===
[[File:LanguagesMainBlock_3LanguagesFormBasic.png|1000px|center|thumb|Language basic information]]
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{| class="wikitable" style="margin:0px;width:100%;"
! style="text-align:left;" | Code
| Type Code of user the language. International code Format Language 2 digits (ISO639-1) - COUNTRY 2 DIGITS (ISO 3166). Example: pt-BR, en-US, es-ES NOTE that will the name must be enabled the payment method forsame defined to the desired dictionary xml file language-country.mibconfig located in “\Config\Dictionary” in the application’s root folder, string. Take into account that the language-country file name actually corresponds to the locale of the XML file.| -|-! style="text-align:left;" | ISO Code| A value compatible with the Code field. This field must be: (according to ISO 639-2 pattern).For example: code = "en-US"; Then, Iso Code = "eng";
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