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=== Channel Maps TV ===
Channel Maps TV block contain all the channels that are associated with the Channel Map that has been created. In this block, it is 's possible to custom a channel number in the Custom Channel Number field and select the channel quality (Unknown, HighDefinitionFull, HighDefinition, StandardDefinition and LowDefinition) in the Quality field.
<br />[[File:ChannelMapsTVChannelMapsTVBlock.png|center|1000px|thumb|Channel Maps TV propertiesBlock]] <br />'''Perform a simple search'''* We select the field and operator and enter the value to search.* After pressing [[File:MagnifyingGlassButton.png|35px]]button we obtain the results of the search performed.* We can press the [[File:ClearSearchButton.png|25px]] button to make a new search.
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