<br />
=== Alias Catchup Settings===This block allows adding new alias associated with the current live channelto configure video and audio settings.[[File:AliasBlockVideoAndAudioQualityBlock.jpg|800px|center|thumb|Alias Video and Audio Quality block]]
<br />
=== Jobs Workflow Trick Modes ===This block shows the detail of the works related allows to the channelconfigure video and audio settings.[[File:VideoAndAudioQualityBlock.jpg|800px|center|thumb|Video and Audio Quality block]]<br />
=== Watermarking ===This block allows to configure video and audio settings.[[File:JobsWorkflowBlockLiveVideoAndAudioQualityBlock.jpg|800px|center|thumb|Jobs Worflow Video and Audio Quality block]]
<br />
=== Catchup Pod Settings Images ===
In this This block allows you can to manage the Catchup settings images associated to this the live channeland the information associated, used such as the Type and Quality. Also, the preview of all the associated images is displayed. It's possible to select/deselect all associated images and remove them.[[File:LiveChannelImagesBlock.png|thumb|center|800px|Images block]] <br />'''Add new images'''[[File:UploadImageDialog.png|thumb|Upload image dialog|right|300px]]* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can upload the new image.* Then click the [[File:UploadIcon.png|middle|30px]] button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the image to be uploaded.* Now select the subtitle language and a name for configuring the Catchup servicesubtitle.*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live channels page and the subtitle will be associated. <br /><br />'''Add existing images'''* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing image.*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:LiveChannelCatchupSettings_3Save3.png|800pxmiddle|center30px]] in the live channels page and the image will be associated.<br /><br clear=all> <br />[[File:ImagePreview.png|thumb|Catchup settings blockImage preview|left|border|400px]]'''Remove images'''* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the association of a image from the movie .* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live channel page. This will not delete the image file from the platform. In order to delete the image, you will have to go to the [[Images_Page_Manual_3.0|Images Page]].
<br />
You can configure the following fields:* '''Catchup POD Settings:Preview images''' Allows you to select <br />By clicking in the specific [[Catchup_POD_Settings_Page_Manual_3File:Preview.0png|POD Settings30px]] to the Live Channel. You can define new POD settings button in the [[Catchup_POD_Settings_Page_Manual_3.0|POD Settings page]]* '''Catchup Enabled:''' Defines if the Catchup service is enabled or not for that Live Channel.* '''Override Default Settings:''' Configures if each image, you want can access to configure specific Catchup settings in this Live Channel that will override the Catchup settings defined at Instance levelimage preview.** '''Window duration:''' In hours, represents the length of catch up window, this is, the number of hours that will be kept recorded in the past.** '''Window Start:''' In minutes, represents the time after the end of the program where the catchup movie will become available:*** 0 when the program finished, *** N the number of minutes after which the program has ended.** '''Start Padding:''' In seconds, represents the start padding that will be added to the start time of the program to ensure that the whole program is recorded.<br clear=all> ** '''End Padding:''' In seconds, represents the end padding that will be added to the end time of the program to ensure that the whole program is recorded.
<br />
Once you have finished with the modifications, save changes === Alias ===This block allows adding new alias associated with the current live channel.[[File:Save3AliasBlock.pngjpg|middle800px|30pxcenter|thumb|Alias block]] button in the live channel page.<br />
<br />
<br />
=== Subscription Info CDN Lives ===
This block is read only mode and shows the information of the subscriptions associated with the linked [[CDN Lives Page Manual 3.0|CDN Lives]] for such live channel. <br />[[File:LiveChannelSubscriptionInfoCDNLivesBlock.png|thumb|CDN Lives block|center|800px|Subscription Info block]] '''Edit a subscription'''* Use the [[File:EditSubscriptionButton.png|middle|30px]] button and a new tab will open with the subscription page to be able to edit from https://wikis.tid.es/gvp-dev/index.php/Subscription_Page_Manual_3.0#Edit.
<br />
<br />
=== Images Media Services ===
This block allows you to manage the images different [[Media Services Page Manual 3.0|Media Services]] that are associated to the live channel and the information associated, such as the Type and Qualitythis Live Channel.
Also, the preview of all the associated images is displayed. It's possible to select<br /deselect all associated images and remove them.>[[File:LiveChannelImagesBlockLiveChanneMediaServicesBlock3.png|thumb|Media Services block|center|800px|Images block]]
<br />
'''Add new imagesMedia Services'''[[File:UploadImageDialog.png|thumb|Upload image dialog|right|300px]]* Use # Click the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can upload the create new image.Media service* Then click the [[File:UploadIcon.png|middle|30px]] button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the image to be uploaded.* Now select # Fill in all the subtitle language and a name required information for the subtitle.Media Service*# Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live channels Live Channel page and the subtitle Media Service will be created and associatedto the Live channel.<br />
<br />
'''Remove Media Service'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the association of a Media service with this channel .
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Live Channel page. This will delete the Media Service.
<br />
'''Add existing images'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing image.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live channels page and the image will be associated.<br />
<br clear=all>
<br />
[[File:ImagePreview.png|thumb|Image preview|left|border|400px]]
'''Remove images'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the association of a image from the movie .
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the live channel page. This will not delete the image file from the platform. In order to delete the image, you will have to go to the [[Images_Page_Manual_3.0|Images Page]].
<br />
'''Preview images'''<br />
By clicking in the [[File:Preview.png|30px]] button in each image, you can access to the image preview.
<br clear=all>
<br />
=== Audio and Subtitles===
<br />
<br />
=== Catchup Pod Settings ===
In this block you can manage the Catchup settings associated to this channel, used for configuring the Catchup service.
[[File:LiveChannelCatchupSettings_3.png|800px|center|thumb|Catchup settings block]]
<br />
You can configure the following fields:
* '''Catchup POD Settings:''' Allows you to select the specific [[Catchup_POD_Settings_Page_Manual_3.0|POD Settings]] to the Live Channel. You can define new POD settings in the [[Catchup_POD_Settings_Page_Manual_3.0|POD Settings page]]
* '''Catchup Enabled:''' Defines if the Catchup service is enabled or not for that Live Channel.
* '''Override Default Settings:''' Configures if you want to configure specific Catchup settings in this Live Channel that will override the Catchup settings defined at Instance level.
** '''Window duration:''' In hours, represents the length of catch up window, this is, the number of hours that will be kept recorded in the past.
** '''Window Start:''' In minutes, represents the time after the end of the program where the catchup movie will become available:
*** 0 when the program finished,
*** N the number of minutes after which the program has ended.
** '''Start Padding:''' In seconds, represents the start padding that will be added to the start time of the program to ensure that the whole program is recorded.
** '''End Padding:''' In seconds, represents the end padding that will be added to the end time of the program to ensure that the whole program is recorded.
<br />
Once you have finished with the modifications, save changes with the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] button in the live channel page.<br />
<br />
At any time you can go to the '''Preview''' tab and evaluate the results of the Content Criteria.
[[File:MovieCriteria_Preview.png|thumb|Preview section in Content Criteria block|center|800px]]
<br />
<br />
=== CDN Lives ===
This block is read only mode and shows the linked [[CDN Lives Page Manual 3.0|CDN Lives]] for such live channel.
[[File:CDNLivesBlock.png|thumb|CDN Lives block|center|800px]]
<br />
<br />
=== Media Services ===
This block allows to manage the different [[Media Services Page Manual 3.0|Media Services]] that are associated to this Live Channel.
<br />
[[File:LiveChanneMediaServicesBlock3.png|thumb|Media Services block|center|800px]]
<br />
'''Add new Media Services'''
# Click the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can create new Media service
# Fill in all the required information for the Media Service
# Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Live Channel page and the Media Service will be created and associated to the Live channel.<br />
<br />
'''Remove Media Service'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the association of a Media service with this channel .
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Live Channel page. This will delete the Media Service.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
=== Jobs Workflow ===
This block shows the detail of the works related to the channel
[[File:JobsWorkflowBlockLive.jpg|800px|center|thumb|Jobs Worflow block]]
<br />
=== Subscription Info ===
This block shows the information of the subscriptions associated with the channel.
<br />
[[File:LiveChannelSubscriptionInfo.png|thumb|center|800px|Subscription Info block]]
'''Edit a subscription'''
* Use the [[File:EditSubscriptionButton.png|middle|30px]] button and a new tab will open with the subscription page to be able to edit from https://wikis.tid.es/gvp-dev/index.php/Subscription_Page_Manual_3.0#Edit.
<br />
== Actions ==