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'''GVP 24.2 SP0 (7.11-27.11)'''
* [GVPPLATF-117448]|(]) - [gvp.db] New parameter for devices widevine L3 that using VisualOn player* [GVPPLATF-117337]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-117336]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-117312]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Switch Intervals* [GVPPLATF-117267]|(]) - [gvp.db] New parameters for devices - Fast TCS Consents* [GVPPLATF-117253]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-117250]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-117249]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for functionality Profile creation protected* [GVPPLATF-115985]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.event.manager] task cancelPurchases - add pending consolidation support BOBTRIA-1103* [GVPPLATF-114893]|(]) - [gvp.db] New parameters for GloboPlay Catalogue
'''GVP 24.2 SP1 (28.11-11.12)'''
* [GVPPLATF-117530]|(]) - [gvp.db] - New DataModel for Routing Applications - Amendment* [GVPPLATF-117524]|(]) - [gvp.drm.proxy] Enable playing of content recordings with DRM MULTIKEY* [GVPPLATF-117515]|(]) - [gvp.drm.api] Add new backend parameters for recordings with DRM MULTIKEY* [GVPPLATF-117514]|(]) - [gvp.drm.api] Support DRM multikey in contents recording request* [GVPPLATF-117337]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-117239]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3][APPLICATIONS page] Expose GVP_APPLICATIONS_ROUTING in APPLICATIONS page[]* [GVPPLATF-117237]|(]) - [gvp.db] - New DataModel for Routing Applications* [GVPPLATF-116220]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3] [Page Services] - Add REQUIRED[]* [GVPPLATF-116075]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3] [Page Purchases] - Add GVP_PURCHASES.DATE_TO_SEND []* [GVPPLATF-116074]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3] [Page Users] - Add PurchaseId to block User History[]
'''GVP 24.2 SP2 (12.12-08.01)'''
* [GVPPLATF-117894]|(]) - [Images Purge] - Add New Column to IMAGES table* [GVPPLATF-117893]|(]) - [Images Purge] - New Kafka Topics* [GVPPLATF-117882]|(]) - [gvp.db] - New parameters for* [GVPPLATF-117814]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] TimeService - GetTime* [GVPPLATF-117790]|(]) - [gvp.db] New parameter TCS_CLONED_MEDIA for TCS Catalogue* [GVPPLATF-117787]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-117786]|(]) - [gvp.db] - new parameter - Live Series & NoScripted* [GVPPLATF-117570]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3][EPG Program Types Page] Add Block Live Series Types[]* [GVPPLATF-117555]|(]) - [gvp.catalogexporter] Reuse livetovod property to link schedules to fast movies* [GVPPLATF-117506]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3] [Page Users] - Add "Required" to block User Services[]* [GVPPLATF-117505]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] User - GetUserTimeStamp* [GVPPLATF-117503]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] Playback - PlaybackHeartbeatVoD* [GVPPLATF-117502]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] Playback - PlaybackHeartbeatLive* [GVPPLATF-117475]|(]) - [blender.api] Migrate GetPersonalLiveChannelContents* [GVPPLATF-117179]|(]) - [gvp.epg.async] - Live Series types modifications* [GVPPLATF-117177]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3][Live Series Page] Add Live Series Type[]* [GVPPLATF-117176]|(]) - [gvp.db] - data model changes - Live Series & NoScripted* [GVPPLATF-117087]|(]) - [gvp.db] Remove unused Athena Parameters* [GVPPLATF-112934]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.api] - KPIs Mi Cuenta (2023)* [GVPPLATF-111909]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.event.manager] task sendNetflixCharges* [GVPPLATF-111850]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.event.manager] task sendNetflixChanges
'''GVP 24.2 SP3 (09.01-22.01)'''
* [GVPPLATF-118153]|(]) - [gvp.db] New parameter for the retry flow in the image purge consumer* [GVPPLATF-118143]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-118140]|(]) - [gvp.catalogexporter ] Export new custom property for CDN LIVES with Multikey* [GVPPLATF-117951]|(]) - [gvp.drm.api] - generating CPIX with Multikeys for Playready DRM* [GVPPLATF-117940]|(]) - [gvp.epg.async] New Parameter to define source per OB to be used by default in EPG agent* [GVPPLATF-117937]|(]) - [gvp.contentmonitor.purge] - Send Event Purge Kafka in Content Monitor Purge Agent* [GVPPLATF-117926]|(]) - [gvp.catalogExporter] New Properties in Services* [GVPPLATF-117922]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameter for Internet Trends* [GVPPLATF-117919]|(]) - [gvp.db] Change parameters for TCS Catalogue* [GVPPLATF-117904]|(]) - [gvp.db] add instance to Applications page* [GVPPLATF-117903]|(]) - [gvp.db] add instance_id to GVP_APPLICATIONS* [GVPPLATF-117897]|(]) - [Images Purge] - Images Purge Consumer* [GVPPLATF-117896]|(]) - [gvp.epg.async] - Send Event Purge Kafka in EPG Agent* [GVPPLATF-117892]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] EventService.AddEventBatch* [GVPPLATF-117515]|(]) - [gvp.drm.api] Add new backend parameters for recordings with DRM MULTIKEY* [GVPPLATF-117181]|(]) - [gvp.catalogexporter] - Add property in LSR objects* [GVPPLATF-117180]|(]) - [gvp.epg.async] - Update GVP_LIVE_SERIES_IMAGES when live season is created* [GVPPLATF-113022]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.api] DELETE /purchases* [GVPPLATF-113020]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.api] GET /products/instances/{instanceId}/subscriptions/{productId}* [GVPPLATF-113018]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.api] GET GVP_SERVICES.AGREEMENT_HTML* [GVPPLATF-111675]|(]) - [gvp.purchases.api] GET /products?userId=<uid>....
'''GVP 24.2 SP4 (23.01-29.01)'''
* [GVPPLATF-118261]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-118232]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices* [GVPPLATF-118219]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices * [GVPPLATF-118213]|(]) - [gvp.catalogexporter] Export the new live channel property - MaxLiveNowGap* [GVPPLATF-118212]|(]) - [gvp.db][gvp.mibserver][Live Channels page] New live channel property - MAX_LIVE_NOW_GAP[]* [GVPPLATF-117935]|(]) - [MEDIAIBOX-8712][MIB3][Parameters page] Permissions for parameters[]* [GVPPLATF-117904]|(]) - [gvp.db] add instance to Applications page* [GVPPLATF-117895]|(]) - [Images Purge][mib][Images page] - Add new field in Images listing page[]* [GVPPLATF-117891]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] InstanceParameterService.GetFutSettings* [GVPPLATF-117890]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] InstanceParameterService.GetKeyValues
'''GVP 24.2 SP5 (30.1-23.2)'''
* [GVPPLATF-118546]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Multiple Audio and Subtitles* [GVPPLATF-118462]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Swrve* [GVPPLATF-118459]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Audio and Subtitles* [GVPPLATF-118432]|(]) - [gvp.mibserver3][Matching list page] Add Instance to Matching list page and broadcasts block * [GVPPLATF-118430]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for BEA: Mobile Miniplayer* [GVPPLATF-118429]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for BEA: LinearChannel Entity Result* [GVPPLATF-118428]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for BEA* [GVPPLATF-118427]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for BEA: CloudPVR * [GVPPLATF-118377]|(]) - [gvp.db] New Parameters for Youtube Search Waiver* [GVPPLATF-118140]|(]) - [gvp.catalogexporter ] Export new custom property for CDN LIVES with Multikey* [GVPPLATF-117514]|(]) - [gvp.drm.api] Support DRM multikey in contents recording request* [GVPPLATF-117504]|(]) - [gvp.blender.api] EPG - GetPersonalLiveChannels


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