{{!}} It will contain the resume time value (for objects with "watched" started but not totally "completed"), or "-1" if completed.
:* if the object is a movie, it will contain the resume value of the movie
:* if the object is a series(or season), it will contain the resume value for the "next episode" (the next episode will be returned in the SimpleMovie object)
:* If the content (for example in the case of an episode within series) does not have "watched" tag, it will return "0" (playback not started)
:* if the "resume value" for a "not completed" content is not available (since MongoDB only stores resume data for a limited set of contents), it will return "-2" as the resume value (indicating not available)
{{!}} [[SimpleMovie]]
:* For individual movies(or episodes), it will contain the SimpleMovie object for the requested tag/ID
:* In the case of series or seasons, it will contain the SimpleMovie object for the "next episode", according to this logic: Check for all available episodes to find the highest Season and Episode already watched (completed or resume):
::* if episode is in "resume" (watched), that episode is returned as "next"