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Created page with "{{Api_Method_Spec| Description=Get all items assigned to a Channel. If the parameter includeChild were true, all movie contents assigned under all sub-channel will be included in..."
Description=Get all items assigned to a Channel. If the parameter includeChild were true, all movie contents assigned under all sub-channel will be included in the result.

The result will return a list of [[CatalogItem]] that could be one of these [[CatalogItemType]]. The result is default ordered by the Title or sorted by a field specified in the request using [[MovieSortType]] enumeration. The result could be filtered by [[MovieType]], [[SubscriptionType]] and [[ProductType]].

The result also can be filtered by the adult content. Using the [[AdultFilterType]] options: All, AdultOnly and NonAdultOnly.

Similar to [[GetChannelSimpleMovies]] but it has better performance.

|ParamDescription=A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
|ParamDescription=The offset number of the returned values for this request
|ParamDescription=The limit number of values for this request
|ParamDescription=The channel id that want to return the content registered inside then.
|ParamDescription=Define if the method should return all contents hierarchy instead inside any sub channels under this channel.
ParamName= movieType
|ParamDescription=Filter the result by one type: Movies, Episodes, Series, Season.
ParamName= subscriptionType
|ParamType= [[subscriptionType]]
|ParamDescription=List of SubscriptionType separated by comma, to filter the result required.
ParamName= productTypeFilter
|ParamType= [[productType]]
|ParamDescription=List of ProductTypeId separated by comma to filter the result required.
ParamName= adultFilter
|ParamType= [[adultFilterType]]
|ParamDescription=Type to represent Unknown, All, AdultOnly or NonAdultOnly. If the content is for adult and/or not adult or both.
ParamName= sort
|ParamType= [[movieSortType]]
|ParamDescription=SortTypeId to order result by the chosen field

Returns a JSON object containing an array of [[CatalogItem]].


: "Offset": 0,
: "Limit": 100,
: "Count": 6,
: "List":
:: [ Array of [[CatalogItem]] List ]


This method is cached.


{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! API Version Number
! Change description
! Changes author
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 1.0
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} Harley Cabral

* [[GetChannelSimpleMovies]]
* [[Movie]]
* [[Subscription]]


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