{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.0!''' Indicates if the channel is external or not.
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}} String
{{!}} Channel name.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! PlaybackInfos
{{!}} Array of [[PlaybackInfo]] object
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.0!''' Playback info for specific device types requested in deviceTypes filter.
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"
! PlaybackInfos{{!}} Array of [[PlaybackInfo]] object{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.0!''' Playback info for specific device types requested in deviceTypes filter.{{!}}- valign="top"! ExternalTitle{{!}} String{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.0!''' Title of the LiveChannelsPlayback
{{!}}- valign="top"
: "ID": 235250,: "Name": "La 1Disney Junior",: "Title": "Disney Junior",
: "Description": "",
: "Active": true,
: "IsPlayback": true,
: "Ppv": false,
: "Dvr": falsetrue,
: "RequiresPin": false,
: "CallLetter": "La1DisnJ",
: "ChannelNumber": 1,
: "EpgLiveChannelReferenceId": "116",: "Genres": array of genres id[],: "Icons": [:: Array of [[Image|Image]] objects: ],: "ResizableImages": [:: Array of [[Image|Image]] objects: ],: "TimeShift": false,: "IsPlayback": true,