{{!}} The title for the Channel that will be shown to end users
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Description
{{!}} String
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 2.4!'''
The description associated with this Channel.
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}}- valign="top"
! DescriptionContentType{{!}} int{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.2!''' Indicates the Content Type defined for this channel.{{!}}- valign="top" ! VodDefaultOrder{{!}} int{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 2.4!''' Indicates to applications the default sort for VOD contents defined for this channel{{!}}- valign="top" ! LiveDefaultOrder
{{!}} String
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.2.4!''' The description associated with Indicates to applications the default sort for Live contents defined for this Channel.channel