3,503 bytes added
, 16:36, 14 August 2015
{{Information|Message=You are accessing the 3.0 version of this data type, according to <span style="font-weight:bold">/service (3.0)</span> specification. To access newest versions of this object, access [[LiveChannel_3.0]]}}
|Description=Represents a LiveChannel object, modeling all the properties or fields associated with live (linear TV) channels.
{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! Field
! Data Type
! Description
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Active
{{!}} bool
{{!}} Channel active true/false
{{!}}- valign="top"
! CallLetter
{{!}} String
{{!}} Call letter of the channel
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ChannelNumber
{{!}} int
{{!}} Numeric channel number
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Description
{{!}} String
{{!}} Short description of the of the live channel, as appearing in EPG file
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Dvr
{{!}} bool
{{!}} "DVR enabled" channel true/false
{{!}}- valign="top"
! EpgLiveChannelReferenceId
{{!}} String
{{!}} Channel ID as appearing in EPG file.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Genres
{{!}} Array of int
{{!}} List of genres IDs associated to the channel.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Icons
{{!}} Array of [[Image]] object
{{!}} Icon images associated to the channel
{{!}}- valign="top"
! isExternal
{{!}} bool
{{!}} bgcolor="#7DC04E" {{!}} '''NEW IN 3.0!''' Indicates if the channel is External or not.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ID
{{!}} int
{{!}} Internal (MiB) ID of the channel.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Name
{{!}} String
{{!}} Channel name.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Ppv
{{!}} bool
{{!}} PPV channel true/false
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RequiresPin
{{!}} bool
{{!}} Channel requiring PIN true/false
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ResizableImages
{{!}} Array of [[Image]] object
{{!}} It provides the list of original images (non resized) associated with this channel. The application should use the [[UNIAPI_Specification#ThumboxService| Thumbox Service]] to perform dynamic resizing of the images in order to adapt them to the User Interface.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! TimeShift
{{!}} bool
{{!}} Channel with TimeShift (RestartTV) capabilities true/false
{{!}}- valign="top"
! Title
{{!}} String
{{!}} Channel title (may be different to name).
{{!}}- valign="top"
: "ID": 235,
: "Name": "La 1",
: "Title": "TVE1",
: "Description": "",
: "Active": true,
: "Ppv": false,
: "Dvr": false,
: "RequiresPin": false,
: "CallLetter": "La1",
: "ChannelNumber": 1,
: "EpgLiveChannelReferenceId": "1",
: "Genres": array of genres id,
: "Icons": [
:: Array of [[Image]] objects
: ],
: "ResizableImages": [
:: Array of [[Image]] objects
: ],
: "TimeShift": true,
: "isExternal": false
{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! API Version Number
! Change description
! Changes author
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 1.0
{{!}} Initial data type implementation
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 3.0
{{!}} Added:
* isExternal
{{!}} Ricardo Calvo
{{!}}- valign="top"
* [[Image]] object
* [[UNIAPI_Specification#Network_Pvr_Service| Network PVR Service]] methods
* [[UNIAPI_Specification#Timeshift_Service| TimeShift Service]] methods
* [[UNIAPI_Specification#ThumboxService| Thumbox Service]] for image resizing