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324 bytes removed ,  15:54, 4 October 2015
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! 0
{{!}} Default
{{!}} Not specified, will be ordered by default ordering (ID) , but using the PID{{!}} Order by Movie.IDPID{{!}} Order by LiveSchedule.IDPID
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}} Order by Release date
{{!}} Order by Movie.RELEASE_DATE
{{!}} Order by Live Schedule related Live Program CREATION_YEARRELEASE_DATE (start time)
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}} Order by most popular contents (most viewed) first. Not recommended to be used for LiveSchedule CatalogItemType
{{!}} Order by Movie Views number
{{!}} As Live Schedule don't have views, they will be ordered by default ordering (ID).have always VIEWS = 0
{{!}}- valign-"top"
{{!}} Order by movie user rating. Not recommended to be used for LiveSchedule CatalogItemType
{{!}} Order by Movie.Rating value
{{!}} As Live Schedule don't have views, they will be ordered by default ordering (ID)have always VIEWS = 0
{{!}}- valign-"top"
! 20
{{!}} Episode Order
{{!}} Order by Episode order. It doesn't apply to CatalogItem = Movie, Season, Serie, as it should be used only when retrieving children of a Season InvalidSortTypeException{{!}} Order by Movie Episode ORDER field InvalidSortTypeException {{!}} Order by Live Schedule EPG_EPISODE_NUMBERInvalidSortTypeException
{{!}}- valign-"top"
! 21
{{!}} Season Order
{{!}} Order by Season order, ascending. It doesn't apply to CatalogItem = Movie, Episode, Serie, as it should be used only when retrieving children of a Serie InvalidSortTypeException{{!}} Order by Season ORDER field and then by Episode Order field InvalidSortTypeException{{!}} Order by Live Schedule EPG_SEASON_NUMBERInvalidSortTypeException
{{!}}- valign-"top"

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