Pricing model is object who has information about what price should be applied to a product and what rule should be use to show the information as if the Pricing is for some [[UserType]] as TEF user or No-TEF user. Has the information about the [[RecurrenceType]] (Daily, Monthly, etc) and [[Quality]].
API v3.2 includes a "RecurrenceDays" parameter that allows to specify arbitrary number of days for recurrence only if the [[RecurrenceType]] is set as "Custom".
Almost all PricingModel is assigned to a [[PricingModelGroup]], even though is possible assign a content direct to one pricing model.
{{!}} [[RecurrenceType]]
{{!}} Indicate the period should use in recurring payment.
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RecurrenceDays
{{!}} int
{{!}} Indicate the number of days for "Custom" recurrence type.
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API version < 3.2
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API version > 3.2
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"ID": 190,
"Title": "Test_Custom_TVOD_Series_TEF_inst44",
"Chargingclass": "",
"UserType": 1,
"Price": 2,
"RecurrenceType": 12,
"DevicesType": [],
"Isrecurring": false,
"GrantAllDevices": true,
"Quality": 3,
"RecurrenceDays": 5
{{!}} Initial data type implementation
{{!}} Harley Cabral
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! 3.2
{{!}} Included "RecurrenceDays" parameter to be used in "Custom" recurrence type
{{!}} Pedro Caamaño
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