1,540 bytes added
, 12:31, 5 April 2019
Description=Remove the Tag for an item of the catalog using a type and the Id passing a value for the tag.
This method only can be used by logged user.
|ParamDescription=A valid token for identifying the API session context. The token can be anonymous or logged.
|ParamDescription=The ID of the item that wants to untag.
|ParamType=[[ItemType]] enum
|ParamDescription=The type of the item being tagged
|ParamType=[[TagType]] enum
|ParamDescription=Tag type. This is a list of possible values (Enumeration).
Returns a statuscode 0 if the untag propagated properly
: "StatusCode": 0,
: "Severity": 1,
: "StatusMessage": "OK",
: "Content": true
* [[AuthenticationRequiredException]]
* [[TagsApiNotAvailable]] 295
* [[InvalidItemException]] 297 NEW
* [[InvalidBooleanTagValueException]]
* [[InvalidTagTypeException]]
This method is not cached.
* None
{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! API Version Number
! Change description
! Changes author
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 7.0
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} José Manuel Escartín