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This block displays the video assets that are associated with this movie, and allows you to review the information about them such as the media type, quality, CDN mode and replication status.
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[[File:MediaFilesBlock.png|thumb|center|900px|Media Files block|center|800px]]
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'''Media Details'''<br />
Double clicking on the center of the video enables the full screen, and single click pause the video.
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<br />'''Associate new media files'''* Use the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|80px]] button and a multiple media file selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select media files that can be added.* Select the media file to be added and press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] button. The media files will be added to the movie. *To save changes, press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the movie page.<br /><br />'''Delete media files from the movie'''* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove all the media files desired.*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the movie page.<br />
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Bureaucrats, editor


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