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! style="text-align:left;border-left:5px solid red;" | Zone
| Zone the A zone group several regions belows to. It is related with the DVB-IPI server that serves that region. At installation each Region will be linked to default zone (i.e. GVP_REGIONS.ZONE_ID = min GVP_ZONES.ID within the InstanceMinimum zone id of the an instance). Operator can change it afterwards using this page.
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=== Postal Codes ===
Postal Codes block contain all the postal codes are associated with the Region.
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[[File:PostalCodesBlock.png|center|1000px|thumb| Postal Codes Block]]
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'''Perform a simple search'''
* We select the field and operator and enter the value to search.
* After pressing [[File:MagnifyingGlassButton.png|35px]]button we obtain the results of the search performed.
* We can press the [[File:ClearSearchButton.png|25px]] button to make a new search.
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'''Add existing Postal Codes'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing Postal Code.
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Region page and the Postal Code will be associated.<br />
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'''Remove All Postal Codes'''
* Use the [[File:RemoveAllButton.png|middle|70px]] button to remove all the association of Postal Codes from the Region.
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Region page.
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Bureaucrats, editor


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