** Recording protection
* Rights (TO BE DONE)
** Currently it is same as UserTimestamp
* Services (TO BE DONE)
** Currently it is same as UserTimestamp
* Tags (TO BE DONE)
** Currently it is same as UserTimestamp
* Resumes
** New resume info added
UserTimestamp changes when
* Purchase is made/cancelled
** gvp.gal (addMultipleSubscription, removeMultipleSubscription, addPpv, removePpv, extendRentalTime, cancelRental...)
** gvp.api (createPurchase, createPurchaseStb, CancelPRoduct)
* Tags changes
** gvp.api (TagProduct, TagItem, RemoveUserWatchHistory..)
* Services are activated/deactivated
** gvp.api(AcceptUserAgreement, RemoveServiceAgreement)
* Purchase status changes
** gvp.gal.productsintegration