* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing one.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the External URL will be associated.<br />
'''Remove External URL'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the External URL from the subscription .
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the subscription page. This will not delete the Event collection file from the platform.
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=== External Commercial URLs ===
In this block it is possible to configure an external URL, so devices can take the user to an external Subscription page instead of taking them to the GVP Subscription page. This will be useful to allow the OB to build their custom pages in the OB Online Channel and to provide more advanced information than the one that is available currently in GVP.
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[[File:ExternalCommercialURLsBlock.png|thumb|Subscription External Commercial URLs block|center|800px]]
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'''Add new External Commercial URL'''
* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can configure the new URL.
* Define the url that will apply to all devices and also you will be able to define a Device Type specific URL, by setting the Device Type for that URL, and then this URL will only be returned to that specific device type
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the External ULR will be associated.
Once the operator has defined the External URLs for a Subscription, the UNIAPI will return in the Subscription object the specific External URL, taking into account the Device Type that is performing the request:
* If the Subscription has a specific External URL for the device type that is making the request, it will return that URL;
* If the Subscription has not a specific External URL for the device type but there is a Default URL, it will return that URL;
* If the Subscription has no default or specific External URL, it will not return any URL.
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'''Add existing External Commercial URL'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing one.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the External Commercial URL will be associated.<br />
'''Remove External URL'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the External URL from the subscription .