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116 bytes removed ,  22:22, 15 November 2020
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Description=This method allows the applications to retrieve the Aura Token information, required to establish the communication with Aura backend. This method requires an authenticated token, and returns reads  the AURA_API_KEY_DEVICE_TYPES parameter for the Aura ID associated with device type calling and performs a GET request to the AURA_TOKEN_URL parameter, passing the DeviceId api key in the token (from GVP_USERS_AUTH_TOKENS table)authorization headerIf no Aura Id is found associated with the DeviceId, it triggers the JWT Bearer based authentication process and as It returns a result, it returns JSON containing al the AuraId information retrieved or an error codefrom the Aura token service.
Returns a JSON object containing the Aura IDtoken information
* AuthenticationRequired: 30. Returned when the method is called without a valid authenticated token
* FourthPlatformNotAvailableAuraEndpointNotAvailable: 320318. Returned when the 4P endpoints are not available or returned Aura endpoint returns an error* UserNotFoundInFourthPlatform : 321. Returned when the 4P User Profile search for the user UNIQUE ID doesn't return any results* AuraBearerGenerationException : 322. Returned when there or is an error in the generation of the JWT Bearer token (invalid private key)not available

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