== Blocks ==
=== Subscriptions Subscription ===
<br />
=== Mediaroom Synchronization Workflow Images ===
In this This block allows you can follow to manage the images associated to the Subscription and the Mediaroom synchronization Workflow done by information associated, such as the CMG AgentType and Quality.[[File:Subscriptions_Mediaroom_WorkflowImagesBlock3.png|800pxthumb|Images block|center|800px]]<br />'''Add new images'''[[File:UploadImageDialog.png|thumb|Mediaroom workflowUpload image dialog|right|300px]]* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]]button and a new row will be added so you can upload the new image.* Then click the [[File:UploadIcon.png|middle|30px]] button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the image to be uploaded.* Now select the subtitle language and a name for the subtitle.*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the subtitle will be associated.<br />
<br />
'''Add existing images'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing image.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the image will be associated.<br />
<br clear=all>
<br />
[[File:ImagePreview.png|thumb|Image preview|left|border|400px]]=== Jobs Workflow ==='''Remove images'''This block shows * Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the detail association of a image from the works related to Subscription .* Once finished, save changes by using the subscription [[File:JobsWorkflowBlockSubscriptionSave3.jpgpng|800pxmiddle|center|thumb30px]] in the Subscription page. This will not delete the image file from the platform. In order to delete the image, you will have to go to the [[Images_Page_Manual_3.0|Jobs Worflow blockImages Page]].
<br />
'''Preview images'''<br />
By clicking in the [[File:Preview.png|30px]] button in each image, you can access to the image preview.
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=== Live Channels ===
<br />
=== External Commercial URLs - DEPRECATED ===
In this block it is possible to configure an external URL, so devices can take the user to an external Subscription page instead of taking them to the GVP Subscription page. This will be useful to allow the OB to build their custom pages in the OB Online Channel and to provide more advanced information than the one that is available currently in GVP.
<br />
[[File:Subscription_ExternalURLsExternalCommercialURLsBlock.png|thumb|Subscription External Commercial URLs block|center|800px]]
<br />
'''Add new External Commercial URL'''
* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can configure the new URL.
* Define the url and url type(purchase or cancelation) that will apply to all devices and also you will be able to define a Device Type specific URL, by setting the Device Type for that URL, and then this URL will only be returned to that specific device type
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the External ULR will be associated.
Once the operator has defined the External URLs for a Subscription, the UNIAPI will return in the Subscription object the specific External URL, taking into account the Device Type that is performing the request:
<br />
<br />
'''Add existing External Commercial URL'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing one.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the External Commercial URL will be associated.<br />
'''Remove External URL'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the External URL from the subscription .
<br />
=== External Commercial URLs Subscription users ===
In this block it is possible to configure an external URL, so devices can take check the user to an external Subscription page instead number of taking them to the GVP Subscription pageactive subscription users. This will be useful to allow To reload the OB to build their custom pages in the OB Online Channel and to provide more advanced information than the one number of users that is available currently in GVPhave rights over this subscription, use [[File:RefreshButton.jpg|middle|70px]] button.[[File:SubscriptionUsersCount_Block.png|thumb|Subscription Relationships block|center|800px]]
<br />
[[File:ExternalCommercialURLsBlock.png|thumb|Subscription External Commercial URLs block|center|800px]]
<br />
'''Add new External Commercial URL'''=== Device Type Availability ===* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can configure the new URL.----* Define the url and url type(purchase or cancelation) that will apply to all devices and also This blocks allows you will be able to define a Device Type specific URL, by setting manage the Device Type for that URL, and then availability of this URL will only be returned subscription in the different device types in the instance it belongs to that specific device type. *Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3DeviceTypeAvailabilityBlockSubscription.png|middlethumb|30px]] in the Subscription page and the External ULR will be associated.Once the operator has defined the External URLs for a Subscription, the UNIAPI will return in the Subscription object the specific External URL, taking into account the Device Type that is performing the request:* If the Subscription has a specific External URL for the device type that is making the request, it will return that URL;* If the Subscription has not a specific External URL for the device type but there is a Default URL, it will return that URL;* If the Subscription has no default or specific External URL, it will not return any URL.Availability block|center|800px]]
<br />
The block has been totally refactored in MIB 3.0, with the objective of simplifying the operation. It has been divided in 3 different levels that can be expanded or collapsed:
# Device Group level: The second level groups all the device types that belong to an specific group. Device Groups are managed globally in the [[Device_Type_Groups_Page_Manual_3.0|Device Type Groups page]]. You can enable/disable the availabilities and configure the quality for all the device types of an specific group.
# Device Type level: The third level contains the specific device types, in case you want to configure the availability and/or quality of an specific device type.
<br />
'''Add existing External Commercial URLConfiguring visibility, purchases and cancellations allowed'''<br />* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] The sliding button and a dialog will open allows you to select and existing oneenable/disable that specific level, affecting the containing sub-levels.It has 3 different positions:<br />*Once finished, save changes by using the : [[File:Save3SliderOn.png|border|middle|30px80px]] in the Subscription page and the External Commercial URL will be associatedThe devices contained are enabled.<br />'''Remove External URL'''* Use the : [[File:DeleteRed3SliderOff.png|border|middle|30px80px]] button to remove the External URL from the subscription The devices contained are disabled.<br />* Once finished, save changes by using the : [[File:Save3SliderMid.png|border|middle|30px80px]] Mixed. Some devices contained in the subscription page. This will not delete the Event collection file from the platformsub-levels might be enabled and others disabled.<br /><br />
<br />
'''Adding an existing Device Type'''<br />
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|80px]] button and a device type selection dialog will open.
* Select the device type where you want to create availabilities and press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] button.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the subscription page and the device type availabilities will be created.<br />
'''Removing an device type'''<br />
If you want to disable the device types of an subscription, just disable the availability in the first Instance level and save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the subscription page. That specific device type will be removed from the Device type availability block.
<br />
=== Images Commercial Offers ===
This block allows you to manage the images associated to the Subscription relationships between subscriptions and commercial offers.The records of this block can also be added from the information associated, such as the Type and Qualitycommercial page.[[File:ImagesBlock3CommercialOffersBlock.pngjpg|thumb|Images blockCommercial Offers Block|center|800px]]<br /> '''Add new imagescommercial offer'''[[File:UploadImageDialog.png|thumb|Upload image dialog|right|300px]]* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can upload the new image.* Then click the [[File:UploadIcon.png|middle|30px]] button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the image to be uploaded.* Now We select the subtitle language and a name for record in the subtitledialog box.*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the subtitle commercial offers will be associated.<br />
<br />
'''Add existing images'''
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button and a dialog will open to select and existing image.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page and the image will be associated.<br />
<br clear=all>
<br />
[[File:ImagePreview.png|thumb|Image preview|left|border|400px]]
'''Remove images'''
* Use the [[File:DeleteRed3.png|middle|30px]] button to remove the association of a image from the Subscription .
* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page. This will not delete the image file from the platform. In order to delete the image, you will have to go to the [[Images_Page_Manual_3.0|Images Page]].
<br />
'''Preview images'''<br />
By clicking in the [[File:Preview.png|30px]] button in each image, you can access to the image preview.
<br clear=all>
=== Subscriptions Relationship Relationships ===
This block allows add others existing Subscriptions in the Subscription being edited, creating a relationship with it that can be:
<br />
=== Subscription users Jobs Workflow ===----In this This block it is possible to check shows the number detail of active subscription users. To reload the number of users that have rights over this works related to the subscription, use [[File:RefreshButton.jpg|middle|70px]] button.[[File:SubscriptionUsersCount_Block.png|thumb|Subscription Relationships block|center|800px]]
<br />[[File:JobsWorkflowBlockSubscription.jpg|800px|center|thumb|Jobs Worflow block]]
<br />
=== Commercial Offers Mediaroom Synchronization Workflow ===
This block allows to manage the relationships between subscriptions and commercial offers.The records of In this block you can also be added from follow the Mediaroom synchronization Workflow done by the commercial pageCMG Agent.[[File:CommercialOffersBlockSubscriptions_Mediaroom_Workflow.jpgpng|thumb|Commercial Offers Block800px|center|800px]] '''Add new commercial offer'''* Use the [[File:AddNew.png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added.* We select a record in the dialog box.* Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.pngthumb|middle|30pxMediaroom workflow]] in the Subscription page and the commercial offers will be associated.<br />
<br />
=== Device Type Availability External URLs - DEPRECATED ===
This blocks allows you In this block it is possible to manage configure an external URL, so devices can take the availability user to an external Subscription page instead of this subscription in taking them to the GVP Subscription page. This will be useful to allow the different device types OB to build their custom pages in the instance it belongs OB Online Channel and toprovide more advanced information than the one that is available currently in GVP. <br />[[File:DeviceTypeAvailabilityBlockSubscriptionSubscription_ExternalURLs.png|thumb|Subscription Device Type Availability External URLs block|center|800px]]
<br />
The block has been totally refactored in MIB 3'''Add new External URL'''* Use the [[File:AddNew.0, with png|middle|70px]] button and a new row will be added so you can configure the objective of simplifying new URL.* Define the operation. It has been divided in 3 different levels url that can will apply to all devices and also you will be expanded or collapsed:# able to define a Device Group level: The second level groups all Type specific URL, by setting the device types Device Type for that belong URL, and then this URL will only be returned to an that specific group. Device Groups are managed globally in device type*Once finished, save changes by using the [[Device_Type_Groups_Page_Manual_3File:Save3.0png|middle|Device Type Groups page30px]]in the Subscription page and the External ULR will be associated. You can enable/disable Once the availabilities and configure operator has defined the quality External URLs for all a Subscription, the UNIAPI will return in the Subscription object the device types of an specific group.# External URL, taking into account the Device Type levelthat is performing the request: The third level contains * If the Subscription has a specific External URL for the device typestype that is making the request, in case you want to configure it will return that URL;* If the availability and/or quality of an Subscription has not a specific External URL for the device typebut there is a Default URL, it will return that URL;* If the Subscription has no default or specific External URL, it will not return any URL.<br />
<br />
'''Configuring visibility, purchases and cancellations allowedAdd existing External URL'''<br />The sliding * Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|70px]] button allows you and a dialog will open to enable/disable that specific levelselect and existing one.*Once finished, affecting save changes by using the containing sub-levels. It has 3 different positions:<br />: [[File:SliderOnSave3.png|border|middle|80px30px]] The devices contained are enabledin the Subscription page and the External URL will be associated.<br />: '''Remove External URL'''* Use the [[File:SliderOffDeleteRed3.png|border|middle|80px30px]] The devices contained are disabledbutton to remove the External URL from the subscription .<br />: * Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:SliderMidSave3.png|border|middle|80px30px]] Mixedin the subscription page. Some devices contained in sub-levels might be enabled and others disabledThis will not delete the Event collection file from the platform.<br /><br />
<br />
'''Adding an existing Device Type'''<br />
* Click the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|80px]] button and a device type selection dialog will open.
* Select the device type where you want to create availabilities and press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] button.
*Once finished, save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the subscription page and the device type availabilities will be created.<br />
'''Removing an device type'''<br />
If you want to disable the device types of an subscription, just disable the availability in the first Instance level and save changes by using the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the subscription page. That specific device type will be removed from the Device type availability block.
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