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* Use the [[File:AddExisting.png|middle|80px]] button and a multiple Live Channel selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select Live Channels that can be added.
* Select the channels to be added and press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] button. Fill in the EFFECTIVE START TIME (Effective Date to active the Channel in the Subscription in Nagra) and EFFECTIVE END TIME (Effective Date to inactive the Channel in the Subscription in Nagra) fields. The Live Channels will be added to the Subscription.
** Dates '''This dates are not taken into account in this releaseto the date, this feature may be enabled in future releases''', the effective dates are not currently neededto be filled.
*To save changes, press the [[File:Save3.png|middle|30px]] in the Subscription page.<br />
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Bureaucrats, editor


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