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Atualização de Changelog do GVP para a versão 24.10
[ GVPPLATF-123328]: [gvp.db] Data Model Add ExternalCoverUrl in GVP_MOVIES table <br>[ GVPPLATF-123309]: [gvp.db] - New fields in GVP_MOVIES_CATEGORIES table <br>[ GVPPLATF-123294]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Aura <br>[ GVPPLATF-123254]: [gvp.catalogexporter.agent] ContentAttributes for CHA_SETTINGS: CA_DeviceTypes <br>[ GVPPLATF-123139]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Home Data Cache Time <br>[ GVPPLATF-123129]: [gvp.db] New parameters for Dolby digital Plus support <br>[ GVPPLATF-123032]: [gvp.db] New parameters for Disney+ Live II <br>[ GVPPLATF-122937]: [MEDIAIBOX-9951] [REACT] Migration of Default Pages to MIB React <br>[ GVPPLATF-122733]: [gvp.db] New tables and new columns <br>[ GVPPLATF-122452]: [gvp.sports.scheduler] Change criteria for selecting tournaments to be sent in Ma0 <br>[ GVPPLATF-122270]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Piracy CDN <br>[ GVPPLATF-122215]: [, gvp.db] If MOP = false, return error 403 - AllCapabilitiesRefused (configurable) <br>[ GVPPLATF-122180]: [blender] - SetMinimumAgeRating (include refactor to call UserApi) <br>[ GVPPLATF-121253]: [gvp.provision.api] Activación de usuarios IPTV / OTT - TRASLADOS <br>[ GVPPLATF-121231]: [gvp.provision.api] Suspensión de usuarios IPTV / OTT - Traslados
== GVP 24.10 SP4 (10.9-23.9) ==
[ GVPPLATF-124391]: [gvp.db] New Parameter for Devices <br>[ GVPPLATF-124306]: [React] Validation Plugin - Core <br>[ GVPPLATF-124291]: [gvp.purchases.api] Use "CA_UniqueId" instead of "ca_movieuniqueId" <br>[ GVPPLATF-124194]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Core Devices <br>[ GVPPLATF-124169]: [gvp.mibserver] new field in Person Page <br>[ GVPPLATF-124159]: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export new properties and relations to ContentApi I <br>[ GVPPLATF-124144]: [gvp.db] Database changes en CYCLES, COLD_START and CONTENT_RELATED <br>[ GVPPLATF-124107]: [gvp.db] Unique indexes <br>[ GVPPLATF-124097]: [gvp.catalogexporter.agent] ContentProperties for CHA_SETTINGS: INSTANCE_CODE and LANGUAGE_ID <br>[ GVPPLATF-124078]: MIB3 changes for recomms and search II - Movies Page > Tags block <br>[ GVPPLATF-124066]: [gvp.db] New Parameter > USER > USE_USER_API <br>[ GVPPLATF-124053]: [gvp.db] - new parameter OpenPlatform > DEVICES > ALLOW_DEVICE_THEFT <br>[ GVPPLATF-123980]: [gvp.geolocation.agent] Migrate to docker <br>[ GVPPLATF-123930]: [gvp.db] - New Parameters for Nube Partners consumer <br>[ GVPPLATF-123415]: [gvp.drm.proxy.api] Check device availability quality to match with KEY TYPE in license response <br>[ GVPPLATF-122958]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add tags to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122948]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add cast&crew to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122843]: [] Migrate to user.api to retrieve last login (with toggle variable) <br>[ GVPPLATF-122754]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify Merge <br>[ GVPPLATF-122368]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add metadata to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122340]: MIB3 changes for recomms and search II - EPG Programs Page > Tags block <br>[ GVPPLATF-121040]: [blender] ConfirmRegisterTrustedDeviceChallenge <br>[ GVPPLATF-121029]: [blender] RemoveTrustedDevice <br>[ GVPPLATF-120967]: [blender] RegisterTrustedDeviceChallenge <br>[ GVPPLATF-120802]: [blender] ModifyTrustedDevice <br>[ GVPPLATF-95945]: [MEDIAIBOX-10046][React] Users page - Homezone Block
== GVP 24.10 SP0 (16.7-29.7) ==
[ GVPPLATF-123930]: [gvp.db] - New Parameters for Nube Partners consumer <br>[ GVPPLATF-123866]: MIB3 changes for recomms and search I <br>[ GVPPLATF-123845]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for development of 1080p support <br>[ GVPPLATF-123821]: [gvp.db] Data Model Changes for Recoms IV (Scoring and Movistar content) <br>[ GVPPLATF-123809]: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export LCH CA_Alias with The channel alias <br>[ GVPPLATF-123797]: [gvp.db] New parameters for Disney+ Live III <br>[ GVPPLATF-123725]: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export LSR CatalogTypeEpisodes <br>[ GVPPLATF-123713]: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export Movies UniqueID <br>[ GVPPLATF-123647]: [gvp.db] Data Model Changes for Recoms III (Cold Start and Forced C2C) <br>[ GVPPLATF-123617]: [blender] GetTrustedDevices <br>[ GVPPLATF-123415]: [gvp.drm.proxy.api] Check device availability quality to match with KEY TYPE in license response <br>[ GVPPLATF-123156]: [MEDIAIBOX-10046][React] Users page - Users Block <br>[ GVPPLATF-123010]: [gvp.api] GetUser: Modify CDN User Token <br>[ GVPPLATF-122958]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add tags to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122881]: [mib] UX reference, add VoD channels block <br>[ GVPPLATF-122780]: [gvp.purchases.api] DELETE /purchases (by userId only) - Robustecimiento <br>[ GVPPLATF-122764]: [gvp.catalogexporter] Modify genres/roles/images exported in EPG programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122744]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify Parsing <br>[ GVPPLATF-122330]: [gvp.db] Data Model Changes for Recoms II (Person Genders, characters..) <br>[ GVPPLATF-120926]: [blender] RegisterTrustedDevice <br>[ GVPPLATF-120791]: [blender] GetAllTrustedDevices <br>[ GVPPLATF-111667]: [MEDIAIBOX-10046][React] Users page - Tags block <br>[ GVPPLATF-111666]: [MEDIAIBOX-10046][React] Users page - Profiles Block
== GVP 24.10 SP4 SP5 (1024.9-2330.9) ==
[ 121018 GVPPLATF-124391]: [gvp.db] New Parameter for Devices <br>[ GVPPLATF-124306]: [React] Validation Plugin - Core <br>[ GVPPLATF-124291]: [gvp.purchases.api] Use "CA_UniqueId" instead of "ca_movieuniqueId" <br>[ GVPPLATF-124194]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Core Devices <br>[ GVPPLATF-124169]: [gvp.mibserver] new field in Person Page <br>[ GVPPLATF-124159]: [gvp.catalogexporter] Export new properties and relations to ContentApi I <br>[ GVPPLATF-124144]: [gvp.db] Database changes en CYCLES, COLD_START and CONTENT_RELATED <br>[ GVPPLATF-124107]: [gvp.db] Unique indexes <br>[ GVPPLATF-124097]: [gvp.catalogexporter.agent] ContentProperties for CHA_SETTINGS: INSTANCE_CODE and LANGUAGE_ID <br>[ GVPPLATF-124078]: MIB3 changes for recomms and search II - Movies Page > Tags block <br>[ GVPPLATF-124066]: [gvp.db] New Parameter > USER > USE_USER_API <br>[ GVPPLATF-124053]: [gvp.db] - new parameter OpenPlatform > DEVICES > ALLOW_DEVICE_THEFT <br>[ GVPPLATF-123980]: [gvp.geolocation.agent] Migrate to docker <br>[ GVPPLATF-123930]: [gvp.db] - New Parameters for Nube Partners consumer <br>[ GVPPLATF-123415]: [gvp.drm.proxy.api] Check device availability quality to match with KEY TYPE in license response <br>[ GVPPLATF-122958]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add tags to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122948]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add cast&crew to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122843]: [] Migrate to user.api to retrieve last login (with toggle variable) <br>[ GVPPLATF-122754]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify Merge <br>[ GVPPLATF-122368]: [gvp.epg.async] Modify program consumer - Add metadata to programs <br>[ GVPPLATF-122340]: MIB3 changes for recomms and search II - EPG Programs Page > Tags block <br>[ GVPPLATF-121040121018]: [blender] ConfirmRegisterTrustedDeviceChallenge RemoveAllTrustedDevices <br>[ 120802 GVPPLATF-121029120802]: [blender] RemoveTrustedDevice <br>[ GVPPLATF-120967]: [blender] RegisterTrustedDeviceChallenge <br>[ GVPPLATF-95945]: [MEDIAIBOX-10046][React] Users page - Homezone BlockModifyTrustedDevice


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