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Atualização de Changelog do GVP para a versão 24.7
== GVP 24.7 SP3 (11.6-24.6) ==
[ 118991 GVPPLATF-122301118991]: [gvp.dbblender] New Parameters for Football Area GetMediaUrlsStb <br>[ 118992 GVPPLATF-122291118992]: [gvp.dbblender] New Parameters for Disney + Unique Feed GetMediaUrlStb <br>[ 121369 GVPPLATF-122229121369]: [gvp.dbcatalogExporter] New Parameters for Cloud Gaming - Export devicetype+suffix in 4k Live TVA <br>[ 121516 GVPPLATF-122149121516]: [gvp.dbcatalogExporter] Parameter to set minimal DRM Key quality for Fairplay Devices (applebaseline/baseline) - IsDolby and IsDolbyAtmos in LCH and Vod objects <br>[ 121446 GVPPLATF-122046121446]: API-based Logout Support for O2 Germany [gvp.catalogexporter] export MATCHES <br>[ 121527 GVPPLATF-121933121527]: [gvp.mibserver3catchup.agent] - Show dolbys flags Dolby and Dolby Atmos flag in mib [movies page] [ movies page] LXD <br>[ GVPPLATF-121538]: [gvp.db] - Data model for ATMOS in GVP_MOVIES for LXD (LiveChannel already exist) <br>[ 122229 GVPPLATF-121527122229]: [gvp.catchup.agentdb] - Dolby and Dolby Atmos flag in LXD New Parameters for Cloud Gaming <br>[ 122291 GVPPLATF-121516122291]: [gvp.catalogExporterdb] - IsDolby and IsDolbyAtmos in LCH and Vod objects New Parameters for Disney + Unique Feed <br>[ 122301 GVPPLATF-121446122301]: [gvp.catalogexporterdb] export MATCHES New Parameters for Football Area <br>[ 122149 GVPPLATF-121369122149]: [gvp.catalogExporterdb] - Export devicetype+suffix in 4k Live TVA Parameter to set minimal DRM Key quality for Fairplay Devices (applebaseline/baseline) <br>[ GVPPLATF-121264]: [gvp.drm.api] New endpoint for VSPP - Recordings <br>[ 118934 GVPPLATF-118992118934]: [blendergvp.drmproxy.api][GVPPLATF-113520] GetMediaUrlStb - Use by config Widevine sdk instead google cloud service <br>[ 121933 GVPPLATF-118991121933]: [blendergvp.mibserver3] - Show dolbys flags in mib [movies page] GetMediaUrlsStb <br>[ GVPPLATF-118934]: [gvpindex.drmproxyphp?title=Movies_Page_Manual_3.api][GVPPLATF-1135200 movies page] - Use by config Widevine sdk instead google cloud service <br>[ GVPPLATF-113520]: [MEDIAIBOX-8057][DMM-153] [gvp.widevine] - Use Widevine sdk instead google cloud service <br>[ GVPPLATF-122046]: API-based Logout Support for O2 Germany
== GVP 24.7 SP0 (30.4-13.5) ==
[ GVPPLATF-121669]: [gvp.db] New Parameters for Devices <br>[ GVPPLATF-121635]: [gvp.db] New parameters for GloboPlay Catalogue - V2 <br>[ GVPPLATF-121581]: [gvp.api/gvp.blenderapi.PERF] Add new fields to GVPToken <br>[ GVPPLATF-121566]: [gvp.db] - New parameters for - SKY <br>[ GVPPLATF-121242]: [gvp.db] - Remove ContinueWatching useCase from Third party database model <br>[ 120767 GVPPLATF-121068120767]: [gvp.provision.apidb] Allow creating Purchases in Cancelling status - Ammendment I New Parameters for Aura <br>[ 121669 GVPPLATF-120883121669]: [gvp.purchases.apidb] New Athena param to limit the range of Historic Purchases Parameters for Devices <br>[ 121635 GVPPLATF-120853121635]: [gvp.ssodb] Adapt Account Selection to alien identifiers New parameters for GloboPlay Catalogue - V2 <br>[ 120446 GVPPLATF-120823120446]: [gvp.sports.epg.matching.consumerdb] Improve matchings names normalization New Parameters for Single Profile Management Devices <br>[ 120755 GVPPLATF-120767120755]: [gvp.dbmibserver] Add field country - [Teams page] [ teams page] New Parameters for Aura <br>[ 119258 GVPPLATF-120755119258]: [gvp.mibserver] Add field country - tournaments block in [Teams pagePage] [ teams page] <br>[ GVPPLATF-120733]: [gvp.mibserver] New [Sports Teams page] [ sports teams page] <br>[ GVPPLATF-120722]: [gvp.mibserver] New [Sports Tournaments Page] [ sports tournaments page] <br>[ 120194 GVPPLATF-120555120194]: [gvp.provision.api] Enable user: Take into account suspension date when recalculating Credit Limit - activación de usuarios IPTV / OTT WITH PRODUCTS - IMPROVE LOGIC <br>[ 121068 GVPPLATF-120446121068]: [gvp.dbprovision.api] New Parameters for Single Profile Management Devices Allow creating Purchases in Cancelling status - Ammendment I <br>[ 120555 GVPPLATF-120194120555]: [gvp.provision.api] Enable user: Take into account suspension date when recalculating Credit Limit <br>[ activación de usuarios IPTV / OTT WITH PRODUCTS 120883 GVPPLATF- IMPROVE LOGIC 120883]: [gvp.purchases.api] New Athena param to limit the range of Historic Purchases <br>[ 120823 GVPPLATF-119258120823]: [gvp.mibserver] Add tournaments block in [Teams Pagesports.epg.matching.consumer] Improve matchings names normalization <br>[ GVPPLATF-120853]: [gvp-public/index.php?title=Teams_Page_Manual_5.0 teams pagesso] Adapt Account Selection to alien identifiers
== GVP 24.7 SP4 (25.6-1.7) H1 ==
[ 121085 GVPPLATF-122312121085]: [gvp.catchup.agentcatalogexporter] - Unpublish a movie from an already generated catchup event export properly editorial Unique Sport Events <br>[ 122312 GVPPLATF-121085122312]: [gvp.catalogexportercatchup.agent] export properly editorial Unique Sport Events - Unpublish a movie from an already generated catchup event
== GVP 24.7 SP1 (14.5-27.5) ==
[ 120780 GVPPLATF-121840120780]: [gvp.dbblender] New Parameters for AURA LoginTrustedDevice <br>[ 121581 GVPPLATF-121804121581]: [gvp.dbapi/gvp.blenderapi.PERF] New Parameters for Devices Add new fields to GVPToken <br>[ 121169 GVPPLATF-121793121169]: [gvp.dbcatalogexporter] New Parameters for HLS Add new properties in LSC object <br>[ 121330 GVPPLATF-121782121330]: [gvp.drm.proxycatalogexporter] Make HDCP+SRM security settings deactivatable GetLiveChannelRestartTVUrl - Channels without DRM <br>[ 121158 GVPPLATF-121771121158]: [gvp.dbcatchup.agent] New Parameters Adjust the generation of CDNLives to on/off HDCP+SRM security settings profiles without DRM <br>[ GVPPLATF-121706]: [gvp.db] Add indexes <br>[ 121347 GVPPLATF-121669121347]: [gvp.db] New Parameters Datamodel changes for Devices Opta improvements <br>[ 121840 GVPPLATF-121635121840]: [gvp.db] New parameters Parameters for GloboPlay Catalogue - V2 AURA <br>[ 121669 GVPPLATF-121581121669]: [gvp.api/gvp.blenderapi.PERFdb] Add new fields to GVPToken New Parameters for Devices <br>[ 121804 GVPPLATF-121550121804]: [gvp.ssodb] Replace ModifyTrustedDeviceWhitelisted with user.api New Parameters for Devices <br>[ 121635 GVPPLATF-121347121635]: [gvp.db] Datamodel changes New parameters for Opta improvements GloboPlay Catalogue - V2 <br>[ 121793 GVPPLATF-121330121793]: [gvp.catalogexporterdb] GetLiveChannelRestartTVUrl - Channels without DRM New Parameters for HLS <br>[ 121771 GVPPLATF-121169121771]: [gvp.catalogexporterdb] Add new properties in LSC object New Parameters to on/off HDCP+SRM security settings <br>[ 121782 GVPPLATF-121158121782]: [gvp.catchupdrm.agentproxy] Adjust the generation of CDNLives to profiles without DRM Make HDCP+SRM security settings deactivatable <br>[ 120627 GVPPLATF-120853120627]: [gvp.ssomibserver3] Adapt Account Selection - Modifications to alien identifiers accept Unique sport event as [Editorial Content page] <br>[ 120555 GVPPLATF-120834120555]: [gvp.sportsprovision.api] Expand search criteria Enable user: Take into account suspension date when recalculating Credit Limit <br>[ 120535 GVPPLATF-120780120535]: [blendergvp.provision.api] LoginTrustedDevice UserApi-Query-Consistency: RequestPlus <br>[ 120516 GVPPLATF-120638120516]: [gvp.sportspurchases.external.consumerapi] Add matching names in new teams and competitions DELETE /purchases (by userId only) - IMPROVE LOGIC <br>[ 120834 GVPPLATF-120627120834]: [gvp.mibserver3] - Modifications to accept Unique sport event as [Editorial Content pagesports.api] Expand search criteria <br>[ 120638 GVPPLATF-120555120638]: [gvp.provisionsports.external.apiconsumer] Enable user: Take into account suspension date when recalculating Credit Limit Add matching names in new teams and competitions <br>[ 120853 GVPPLATF-120535120853]: [gvp.provision.apisso] UserApi-Query-Consistency: RequestPlus Adapt Account Selection to alien identifiers <br>[ 119103 GVPPLATF-120516119103]: [gvp.purchases.apisso] DELETE /purchases (by userId only) Add x- IMPROVE LOGIC correlator header with the value of the requestId when calling to 4P <br>[ 121550 GVPPLATF-119103121550]: [gvp.sso] Add x-correlator header Replace ModifyTrustedDeviceWhitelisted with the value of the requestId when calling to 4P user.api
== GVP 24.7 SP2 (28.5-10.6) ==
[ 121657 GVPPLATF-122149121657]: [gvp.dbapi] Parameter to set minimal DRM Key quality for Fairplay Devices (applebaseline/baseline) - LoginTrustedDevice - Añadir nuevo campo de entrada para indicar soporte a 4k Live y TVA <br>[ 121414 GVPPLATF-122001121414]: [gvp.sports.apicatalogExporter] /instances/{instanceId}/matches/{matchId} - add group GAME Object exportation <br>[ 121739 GVPPLATF-121981121739]: [gvp.dbcatalogexporter] New Parameters add properties in MOV Object for AppleTV GAMEs <br>[ 121943 GVPPLATF-121962121943]: [gvp.sports.apiCOMMANDS] Changes in standings for Group stage No funcionan comandos masivos para dongleOTT <br>[ 119254 GVPPLATF-121961119254]: [gvp.sportsapi][externaldistributor.external.consumerapi] Changes in MA1 and TM2 for Group stage Interstitial - GetExternalDistributorAction amendment <br>[ 121169 GVPPLATF-121951121169]: [gvp.dbcatalogexporter] Datamodel changes for Group Stage Add new properties in LSC object <br>[ 121951 GVPPLATF-121943121951]: [COMMANDSgvp.db] No funcionan comandos masivos para dongleOTT Datamodel changes for Group Stage <br>[ 121358 GVPPLATF-121919121358]: [gvp.mibserver3db] New list page - Data model for Games [games page] 4k Live TVA changes <br>[ 121393 GVPPLATF-121882121393]: [gvp.db] New parameters - new parameter for GloboPlay Catalogue - V3 GAMEs <br>[ 121717 GVPPLATF-121750121717]: [gvp.vrm.proxydb] Adjust the generation new metadatas of CDNLives to profiles without DRM GVP_MOVIES for GAMEs <br>[ 121981 GVPPLATF-121739121981]: [gvp.catalogexporterdb] add properties in MOV Object New Parameters for GAMEs AppleTV <br>[ 121882 GVPPLATF-121728121882]: [gvp.mibserverdb] Add fields in [Movies Page] [ parameters for GloboPlay Catalogue -public/index.php?title=Movies_Page_Manual_3.0 movies page] V3 <br>[ 122149 GVPPLATF-121717122149]: [gvp.db] new metadatas of GVP_MOVIES Parameter to set minimal DRM Key quality for GAMEs Fairplay Devices (applebaseline/baseline) <br>[ 120649 GVPPLATF-121657120649]: [gvp.drm.api] New endpoint for VSPP - LoginTrustedDevice - Añadir nuevo campo de entrada para indicar soporte a 4k Live y TVA <br>[ GVPPLATF-121582]: [gvp.drm.proxy.api.PERF] Reduce Api-call (UserApi) in PlaybackContext <br>[ 120293 GVPPLATF-121414120293]: [gvp.catalogExporterfairplay] - GAME Object exportation Support for persistent licenses at Fairplay docker issuer <br>[ 120627 GVPPLATF-121393120627]: [gvp.dbmibserver3] - new parameter for GAMEs Modifications to accept Unique sport event as [Editorial Content page] <br>[ 121919 GVPPLATF-121358121919]: [gvp.dbmibserver3] - Data model New list page for 4k Live TVA changes Games [games page] <br>[ 121728 GVPPLATF-121169121728]: [gvp.catalogexportermibserver] Add new properties fields in LSC object [Movies Page] [ movies page] <br>[ 122001 GVPPLATF-120649122001]: [gvp.drmsports.api] New endpoint for VSPP /instances/{instanceId}/matches/{matchId} - Live add group <br>[ 121962 GVPPLATF-120627121962]: [gvp.mibserver3] - Modifications to accept Unique sport event as [Editorial Content pagesports.api] Changes in standings for Group stage <br>[ 121961 GVPPLATF-120293121961]: [gvp.fairplaysports.external.consumer] Support Changes in MA1 and TM2 for persistent licenses at Fairplay docker issuer Group stage <br>[ 121750 GVPPLATF-119254121750]: [gvp.api][externaldistributorvrm.apiproxy] Interstitial - GetExternalDistributorAction amendment Adjust the generation of CDNLives to profiles without DRM
== GVP 24.7 SP5 (2.7-8.7) H2 ==
[ GVPPLATF-122443]: [gvp.blender] Use Active Services CPVR and NPVR from cache on GetUserTimestamps


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