2,635 bytes added
, 11:06, 2 June 2014
|Description=Represents a Schedule object, associated with the managing of recordings in the Network PVR service.
{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! Field
! Data Type
! Description
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ChannelId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Channel ID
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ChannelName
{{!}} String
{{!}} Channel Name
{{!}}- valign="top"
! EndTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Schedule ending time
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ID
{{!}} int
{{!}} Schedule unique ID
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ProgramId
{{!}} int
{{!}} ID of program associated to schedule
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ProgramName
{{!}} String
{{!}} Program Name
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RecordingDuration
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Duration of the recording
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RecordingEndTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Recording end time (may not coincide with schedule ending time)
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RecordingStartTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Recording start time (may not coincide with schedule starting time)
{{!}}- valign="top"
! RecordingState
{{!}} [[RecordingScheduleState|RecordingScheduleState]] enum
{{!}} Status of recording
{{!}}- valign="top"
! ScheduleId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Schedule unique ID
{{!}}- valign="top"
! SeriesId
{{!}} int
{{!}} Series ID (in case of schedule part of a series)
{{!}}- valign="top"
! StartTime
{{!}} long int
{{!}} Schedule starting time
{{!}}- valign="top"
: "ID": 312312,
: "ChannelId": 235,
: "ChannelName": "La1",
: "ScheduleId": 5221344,
: "ProgramId": 141230462,
: "ProgramName": "Telediario-1",
: "StartTime": 1341898121,
: "EndTime": 1341894239,
: "RecordingDuration": 900,
: "RecordingStartTime": 1341898121,
: "RecordingEndTime": 1341891547,
: "RecordingState": 1,
: "SeriesId": 0,
{{{!}} border="2" style="width:800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{{!}}- style="background:#88ccff;font-size:110%"
! API Version Number
! Change description
! Changes author
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 2.4
{{!}} Initial data type implementation
{{!}}- valign="top"
* [[EpgLiveSchedule|EpgLiveSchedule]] object
* [[ReducedLiveSchedule|ReducedLiveSchedule]] object
* [[LiveSchedule|LiveSchedule]] object
* [[LiveProgram|LiveProgram]] object
* [[EpgLiveProgram|EpgLiveProgram]] object
* [[RecordingScheduleState|RecordingScheduleState]] enum
* [[UNIAPI_Specification#Network_Pvr_Service|Network_Pvr_Service]] for Network PVR Service