ParamName=<span style="color:#7DC04E; ">bottomUpOnly </span>applyProvisioningFilter|ParamType=intbool
|ParamDescription=<span style="color:#7DC04E; ">Indicates if this method should return subscription of [[SubscriptionPurchaseType]] = Provisioning Only or not ((NEW IN 2.4)</span>- false (default value): the method will return Subscriptions with Purchase Type in (Both, ApiOnly). true: the method will return Subscriptions with Purchase Type in (Both, ApiOnly, ProvisioningOnly).
Returns a JSON object containing an array of [[Subscription]].
! Changes author
{{!}}- valign="top"
! 1.0
{{!}} Initial method design
{{!}} Harley Cabral
! 2.4
{{!}} New parameter '''applyProvisioningFilter'''
{{!}} Ricardo Calvo