Category Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: AdminIcon.png Administration > Access Control > Categories

There is a new feature for MIB Authorization called Categories. Its purpose is to allow that OB Administrator Users of a certain OB cannot see users from other OBs.

The User Administrators will always see all the MIB Users and categories. They should be the ones that associate an OB Administrator to a category.
The OB Admins can only see MIB Users that belong to the same category and the ones that have none category set.
Also everybody with access to the MIB Users list will always see the users that have none category associated.
The same concept could be applied to Groups. In GVP right now it has no use, so just leaving the field empty for the groups will have no effect in the list.


Category Information

In this page, Administrator Users will be able to manage categories. There should be 1 for each OB. Additionally we could create one for each extra groups, like “Operations”.
Once an OB Administrator is associated to a category, every MIB User created by he will also receive automatically the same category.

Category basic information

Field Description Restrictions
Category Name Name that we give to the category.

Update Category information
Modify category information and once finished, save changes by using the  .

In this way, the category is a field of the MIBUsers and the MIBGroups. The field is only visible to the AdminUsers or the user creator of this MIBUser/MIBGroup.
At the moment, it is only working for MIBUsers.

MIBUser Page

Category Field on MIBUser

MIBGroup Page

Category Field on MIBGroup