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Get a list of ItemTags objects,

The user should be logged to use this method.


  • token (String, required)
A valid token for identifying the API session context. Anonymous access is not allowed.
  • offset (int, optional)
Index of the initial result of the list, begins with 0
  • limit (int, optional)
Quantity of results showed, with the maximum of 100
  • ItemTypeFilter (ItemType (int), optional)
Defines a ItemType filter, to filter the results depending on the movie type value.
AdultFilterType enum to filter the result required. The default value is NonAdultOnly.
  • tagType (Array of TagType, optional)
Allows to filter the tag results depending on the TagType. The operator is able to introduce a comma separated list of TagTypes. Contents having ANY (OR operator) of the tags will be included in results.
  • ItemIds (List of comma separated values of ItemIds, optional)
Allows to filter the results depending on the Movie IDs (Comma separated list). It can only be used if one specific ItemType is selected (to avoid collisions)


Returns a JSON object containing an array of ItemTags

Objects are sorted by the most recent date of (any) tag creation. This is: the first item to be returned will be the movie with the most recent tag "event".



"Offset": 0,
"Limit": 100,
"Count": 6,
[ Array of ItemTags objects ]




This method is cached based on the Tag timestamp of the user

Known issues

  • None

Version history

API Version Number Change description Changes author
3.0 Initial method design Jose Manuel Escartín

See also