Micro Payments Page Manual 3.0
This section shows all micropayments used to validate user credit card during credit card registration process. It is not possible to create or remove items, just edit them.
Micro Payments
Field | Description | Restrictions |
Name | Name of credit card linked to this micropayment (GVP_USERS_SIA_CARDS.NAME). | ReadOnly |
Owner | Name of the block’s creator. | ReadOnly |
User | User registering card (GVP_USERS.NAME). | ReadOnly |
Value | Amount charged to the user to validate credit card multiplied by 100. It is instance parameter SIA_MICROPAYMENT. It is used to fill IMPTRANS in manageCreditCard response. | ReadOnly |
SIA Number | Identifier of the transaction related to the micropayment in SIA. It is generated by SIA (NUMSIA). It is needed to cancel the micropayment. | ReadOnly |
Status | Status of the micropayment may be:
Message | Additional information about the result of the transaction (e.g. APROBADA, Unable to connect to the remote server, Could not cancel micropayment: StatusCode '220' / StatusMessage '-fechProOri: Error formato'...). | ReadOnly |
Instance | Instance the user belongs to | ReadOnly |
Create | Edit | Edit in List | Bulk Edit | Copy | Copy with Relateds | Delete |
MicroPayments creation is disabled.
MicroPayments edit is enabled. It can be used to perform modification in the MicroPayments status. Once finished modifying the micropayment, save changes by using the button in the MicroPayments page. The only operation that requires updating a micropayment is management of errors when canceling micropayment.
Edit in List
Edit in list is disabled for MicroPayments.
Bulk Edit
Bulk Edit is enabled in the MicroPayments page, allowing you to modify several micropayments status at the same time.
Copy is disabled for MicroPayments.
Copy with Relateds
Copy with relateds is disabled for MicroPayments.
Delete is disabled for MicroPayments page.