STB Boot from OPCH

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This use case shows a first “possible” approach about how the STB should proceed to boot, using OPCH, DVB-IPI and acceding then to GVP backend.


  1. The STB has a valid kernel version provided at manufacturing time
  2. Somehow, the STB is able to discover the IP and port to access the OPCH Metadata Channel, where basic STB configuration data is sent.
  3. Basic configuration data sent through the OPCH is (assumption):
    1. Multicast IP Address and port for each kernel version
    2. Multicast IP Address and port for Splash Image
    3. Multicast IP Address and port for DVB-IPI Entry Point channel
    4. Multicast IP Address and port for Infopush command channel
    5. Configuration values (tokens), including GVP Application Server URL


  1. STB has a valid kernel version, demarcation zones and EPG.
OPCH loading.jpg