User Profiles Page Manual 3.0

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Access to this menu in Betools through: UsersIcon.png Users > Users Profiles

This page allows the CRM operators to review the different preferences that have been configured by the users. Devices save preferences using the UNIAPI SetUserPreference method. The different preferences depend on the different applications, but some examples are:

  • LastLanguage
  • CatchupServiceActive
  • StartOverServiceActive
  • AdultFirstAccess


Users Profiles

User Profiles basic properties

Field Description Restrictions
Origin Device Type Type of the device associated. ReadOnly.
Name Preference name, internal ReadOnly.
User The User ID where the preference is associated to. ReadOnly.
Image The preference type ReadOnly.
Updated Value for that preference. ReadOnly.
Kids Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.
Age Rating Id of the creator. Should be OB Administrator. Readonly.
Blocked Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.
Language Code Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.
Audio Code Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.
Subtitle Code Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.
Binge Watching Autoplay Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.
Owner Device Type that the preference belongs to. 0 value means that is a global preference that applies all devices. ReadOnly.


The user can only read the details of a Users Profiles, no other actions are available.