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==== [[Bundle Users Manual 3.0|Bundle Users]]====
==== [[Bundle Users Manual 3.0|Bundle Users]]====
==== [[Bundle Packages Manual 3.0|Bundle Packages]]====
==== [[Bundle Packages Manual 3.0|Bundle Packages]]====
==== [[Netflix Bundle Plan Changes Manual 3.0|Netflix Bundle Plan Changes]]====
==== [[Legacy Unique ID's Manual 3.0|Legacy Unique ID's]]====
=== [[Services Page Manual 3.0|Services]]===
=== [[Services Page Manual 3.0|Services]]===

Revision as of 12:53, 27 October 2021


InstancesIcon.png Instances


Notification Interests

Notifications Queue

Feedback Result


Catalog Exporter

Exporter Monitoring

Age Ratings

Age Rating Alternate Codes

Payment Methods

Devices by Payment Method

Instance Devices




Platforms PIN Default



Parameters Partitions

Command Types

Massive Commands

UsersIcon.png Users


Sent Mail

User Devices

User Preferences

Users Profiles

Avatar Images

User Interests

VODIcon.png Video On Demand




Basic Information

Movie Basic Information

Field Description Restrictions
Name Internal name for the movie. This name is not displayed for users (see Metadata block).
  • Mandatory
Original Title Original movie title.
Source Controls the access and visibility of this movie for other operators. Only operators with rights over this source or its children will be able to see it.
  • Mandatory
Status Content Workflow status: Preparation Area, Quality Area, Available in Stock, Quarantine Area.
  • Mandatory
  • Medias validation: For MovieType = Episode / Movie, cannot set Status = Available in Stock without Medias (invalid_medias_count).
  • Pending Jobs error: When setting Status = Available, it cannot have pending dmm jobs (workflow_error)
  • Pending CDN Push replication warning: When setting Status = Available, it cannot have Medias in Push Mode pending to be replicated in CDN (replication_problem)
Status Date Represents the date of the last status change. Read only.
Updated Flag that indicates if the movie was updated or not (through ADI.XML update). -
Last Update Date Represents the date of the last movie update (automatic update). Read only.
License Start Start date for the movie License Window. See Availability Windows block for movie availability dates configurations.
  • Mandatory (license_start)
  • License Start <= License End (license_start_greater)
  • For MovieType = Serie / Season, Seasons and Episodes must have LicenseStart > Serie.LicenseStart (conflicting_date)
  • For MovieType = Season / Episode, movie.LicenseStart must be greater than serie.LicenseStart and season.LicenseStart (license_serie_before_than_movie, license_season_before_than_movie)
License End End date for the movie License Window. See Availability Windows block for movie availability dates configurations.
  • Mandatory field (license_end)
  • For MovieType=Serie / Season, Seasons and Episodes must have LicenseEnd> Serie.LicenseEnd (conflicting_date).
  • For MovieType = Season / Episode, movie.LicenseEnd must be smaller than serie.LicenseEndand season.LicenseEnd (license_serie_after_than_movie, license_season_after_than_movie)
Release Date Date when the movie was released in cinemas. -
Year Year when the movie was released in cinemas. -
Duration Movie duration in seconds. -
Requires PIN Indicates if the movie is Adult content or not. -
Producer Movie producer (Studio_Name from the ADI.XML). -
Country Country of origin for the movie. -
Distributor Movie distributor, identifying the provider of the movie (Provider from the ADI.XML). -
Distributor Product An identifier for the asset that is unique within a provider's asset ID space. The unique portable identification of an asset is the combinations of its Provider and its Asset_ID. I.e. "CLCL0000000080965907". -
Type Movie type (Movie, Episode, Season or Serie).
  • Mandatory
  • It cannot be modified if status = Available In Stock.
Series For Seasons and Episodes, indicates the Serie where they belong to.
  • Warning if MovieType = Season or Episode and a value is not provided (season_without_serie / episode_without_serie)
  • The selected movie must have MovieType = Serie (selected_serie_is_not_serie)
  • Cannot be used with MovieType = Movie (invalid_parents) or MovieType = Serie (cant_create_serie)
Distributor Product Series Distributor ID of the Series where the Season or Episode belongs to. -
Season For Episodes, indicates the Season where they belong to.
  • Warning if MovieType = Episode and a value is not provided (episode_without_serie)
  • Cannot be used with MovieType = Movie (invalid_parents) or MovieType = Serie (cant_create_serie) or MovieType = Season (cant_create_season).
  • The selected movie must have MovieType = Season (selected_season_is_not_season)
Distributor Product Season Distributor Product ID of the Season where the Season or Episode belongs to. -
Final Serie Year Indicates the year where the serie ended.
  • Warning if used only for movie type != Serie (invalid_children)
Total Children In case of a Serie, indicates the number of seasons it contains. In case of a Season, indicates the number of episodes it contains. (It is not autocalculated field, to be set by ADI or operator)
  • Warning if used only for movie type != Serie (invalid_children)
Order In case of a Season, indicates the order of the season in the Series (S01,S02, etc.). In case of an Episode, indicates the order of this episode in the Season (E01, E02, etc.). -
Commercialization Type Allows to select the commercialization type for this movie: Catchup, TVOD, SVOD, FreeVOD, External Catchup, Transparent Catchup. -
TVOD Type In case of TVOD commercialization type, indicates the type of TVOD (Launch, Catalog). -
Content Category Content Category from a predefined list of categories. Used for internal movie classification by content teams. -
Asset Type Represents the type of Asset: GVP, External Catchup, MiView TV. -
Transparent provider Name of the Transparent Catchup provider (None, FOX, HBO). This field is filled by the Importer and it only applies to movies with Commercialization Type = Transparent Catchup. -
Category A string containing the category of the film. It will be used for operators validation and reconciliation with majors. -
Billing ID Content provider asset ID to tie into royalty reporting. -
Catchup URN Unique identifier to identify the external catch-up content in the content provider site (External Resource ID). -
Twitter Hashtag To be a valid twitter hashtag, this field must be a string including the whole keyword, i.e. it must include the ‘#’ character. It cannot be longer than 140 characters (including # character).
  • Must start with # (invalid_hashtag)
Promotional Rating Integer between 0 and 100 that represents an editorial rating for the movies.
  • Must be >= 0 and <= 100 (invalid_promotional_rating)
Stars Average rating for this movie by users. Not used anymore as applications don't allow rating. -
Views Total number of views of this movie. -
Awards Not used. Free text field. -
Owner Operator that created this movie -
Is DTP This field indicates whether the down to play option is enabled. This option allows devices to download the VoD contents in advance so they can be played without the need of network connectivity.
  • Mandatory
Closing Credits Start Time Time (in seconds) when the credits begin. This should be populated with the value that comes in the Episode ADI.XML.

If this value is manually set in MIB and there's an update where this info doesn't come in the ADI.XML it shouldn't be overwritten/unset.

Season finale Field that specifies if it is the last episode of the season. -

Availability Windows

Using this block, the OB operator is able to manage the different availability windows for those instances the operator has access to and create new availability windows for an Instance.

Movie Availability Window block

Create a new availability window

  1. Press the AddNew.png button. This will create a new empty entry row to be filled.
  2. Then select the instance where you want to define the new availability window. You will only able to view those instances you have access to.
  3. The next step is to define the Availability Window Start Date and End Date.
  4. You can also enable or disable Is ComingSoon flag. This flag can be used to display a Coming Soon message in applications, but the playback/rental will not be allowed.
  5. Press the Save button Save3.png in order to apply changes.

The availability windows definition have the following restrictions:

  • It is not allowed to create overlapping windows for the same Instance. MIB will show an error when trying to save a movie with overlapping windows for the same instance.
  • The availability window has to be created between the License Window. If the availability window being created is outside the License Window for the movie, MIB will show an error when trying to save.

Remove existing availability window

  1. Press the DeleteRed3.png button for the desired availability window.
  2. Press the save button Save3.png in order to apply changes.


This block shows the movie’s metadata coming from the XML metadata. New metadata blocks can be added for the different languages supported. This process is directly related with the Preparation Area in CWM. This block contains the long and short synopsis. It is a required block, without it the content will not appear to the final user.

Metadatas block

Associate new metadatas

  • Use the AddExisting.png button and a multiple metadata selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select metadatas that can be added.
  • Select the metadata to be added and press the Save3.png button. The metadatas will be added to the movie.
  • To save changes, press the Save3.png in the movie page.

Delete metadatas from the movie

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove all the metadatas desired.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page.

Media Files

This block displays the video assets that are associated with this movie, and allows you to review the information about them such as the media type, quality, CDN mode and replication status.

Media Files block

Media Details
By clicking in the Edit button in the Media, it will take you to the Media Files page, so you can review more detailed information about each Media.

Media Preview
By clicking in the Preview.png button in each Media, you can access to the Media Preview player, that allows you to watch the media inside the platform to try to catch errors or bad encodings.

Media Preview player

To play a Media File:

  1. Select the Origin where you want to perform playback from
  2. Optionally, you can enable Economic view mode. This mode allows you to perform a quick playback test that will jump automatically to 3 different parts of the video file.
  3.  Press the PLAY button.

Double clicking on the center of the video enables the full screen, and single click pause the video.

Associate new media files

  • Use the AddExisting.png button and a multiple media file selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select media files that can be added.
  • Select the media file to be added and press the Save3.png button. The media files will be added to the movie.
  • To save changes, press the Save3.png in the movie page.

Delete media files from the movie

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove all the media files desired.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page.


In this block, you can manage the genres associated to the movie. It shows you the list of genres that are currently associated to this movie.

Genres block

Associate new genres

  • Use the AddExisting.png button and a multiple genre selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select genres that can be added.
  • Select the genres to be added and press the Save3.png button. The genres will be added to the movie.
  • To save changes, press the Save3.png in the movie page.

Note: It is important to note that most of this information comes from the “Majors” - movies distributors - (Universal, Warner) and are inserted in the platform during the ingestion process.

Delete genres from the movie

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove all the genres desired.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page.


This block allows you to manage the .srt subtitles associated to the movie.

Subtitles block

Add new subtitle

  • Use the AddNew.png button and a new row will be added so you can upload the new subtitle.
  • Then click the UploadIcon.png button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the subtitle to be uploaded. Important:Only .srt format is allowed.
  • Now select the subtitle language and a name for the subtitle.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the subtitle will be associated.

Add existing subtitle

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select and existing subtitle.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the subtitle will be associated.

Remove subtitle from movie

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the association of a subtitle from the movie .
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page. This will not delete the subtitle file from the platform. In order to delete the subtitle, you will have to go to the Subtitles Page.

Persons Roles

This block allows configuring the persons (actors, director and etc) and their roles that are involved in the movie:

Person roles block

Associate new Person role

  • Use the AddExisting.png button and a multiple Person Role selection dialog will open, allowing you to search and select persons roles to be added.
  • Select the ones to be added and press the Save3.png button. The Person Roles will be added to the movie.
  • To save changes, press the Save3.png in the movie page.

Note: From this menu, it is not possible to create new Person Roles. Please use the Persons page to create Persons and the Person Roles page to associate a role to them.

Delete Person roles from the movie

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove all the person roles desired.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page.


This block allows you to manage the images associated to the movie and the information associated, such as the Type and Quality.

Images block

Add new images

Upload image dialog
  • Use the AddNew.png button and a new row will be added so you can upload the new image.
  • Then click the UploadIcon.png button and a dialog will be open so you will be able to select the image to be uploaded.
  • Now select the subtitle language and a name for the subtitle.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the subtitle will be associated.

Add existing images

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and a dialog will open to select and existing image.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the image will be associated.

Image preview

Remove images

  • Use the DeleteRed3.png button to remove the association of a image from the movie .
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page. This will not delete the image file from the platform. In order to delete the image, you will have to go to the Images Page.

Preview images
By clicking in the Preview.png button in each image, you can access to the image preview.

Audio and Subtitles

This block allows defining specific default languages selection for audio and subtitle. In case it's not set default per instance is considered. It only applies when users don't define their own preferences.

Audio and Subtitles block

Adding a new Audio and Subtitles

  • Click the AddNew.png button and a language selection dialog will open.
  • We select the desired subtitle and audio.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the new record will be associated.

Age Ratings

Using this block, the OB operator is able to manage the different Age Ratings associated to this movie.

Age Ratings block

Associate an Age Rating

  1. Press the AddExisting.png button.
  2. Then select the instance for the Age Rating you want to define.
  3. The next step is to select the Age Ratings you want to add. Press Save3.png button to add the selected Age Ratings
  4. Finally press the Save button Save3.png in the Movies page in order to apply changes.

Remove associated Age Rating

  1. Press the DeleteRed3.png button for the desired Age Ratings.
  2. Press the save button Save3.png in order to apply changes. This will not delete the Age Rating from the platform. In order to delete the Age Rating, you will have to go to the Age Ratings page.

Device Availabilities

This blocks allows you to manage the availability of this movie in the different device types and instances.

Movie device availability block

The block has been totally refactored in MIB 3.0, with the objective of simplifying the operation. It has been divided in 3 different levels that can be expanded or collapsed:

  1. Instance level: The first level groups all the device availabilities for an instance. It can be used to enable/disable the availabilities and configure the quality for all the device types at the same time.
  2. Device Group level: The second level groups all the device types that belong to an specific group. Device Groups are managed globally in the Device Type Groups page. You can enable/disable the availabilities and configure the quality for all the device types of an specific group.
  3. Device Type level: The third level contains the specific device types, in case you want to configure the availability and/or quality of an specific device type.

Configuring availability
The sliding button allows you to enable/disable that specific level, affecting the containing sub-levels. It has 3 different positions:

SliderOn.png The devices contained are enabled.
SliderOff.png The devices contained are disabled.
SliderMid.png Mixed. Some devices contained in sub-levels might be enabled and others disabled.

Configuring quality

Quality selector

The quality selector allows you to configure the quality that will be available for an specific level. When no quality is selected (empty) for an specific level, it means that the sub-levels have different specific quality values configured.

Adding an existing Instance

  • Click the AddExisting.png button and an Instance selection dialog will open.
  • Select the Instance where you want to create availabilities and press the Save3.png button. The instance will be added with availabilities and max. quality for all the devices.
  • Now you can configure the different device types with the desired availability and quality.
  • Once finished, save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page and the device availabilities will be created.

Removing an Instance
If you want to disable the availabilities for all the device types of an instance, just disable the availability in the first Instance level and save changes by using the Save3.png in the movie page. That specific Instance will be removed from the Device availability mapping block.

Movies Age Rating

Media Files


VOD Channels

Editorial Contents

Content Workflow


Metadata Validation Rules
Metadata Validation Results


Importer Errors
Importer Schedules
ADI Mapping
DRM Mapping
Quality Mapping
Play Type Mapping
Device Type Mapping
Encoded Weight
Sources Quota

Preparation Area

Quality Area

Quarantine Area


Push Rules
Delivery Buckets
Origin x Push Rules
Storage Areas

Content Purge List

LiveTVIcon.png Live

Restart TV Channel


EPG Review

EPG Schedule Modifications

EPG Program Categories

EPG Roles

EPG Programs

EPG Age Ratings

EPG Schedule

EPG Program Types

Live Channels

CDN Lives

Media Services

Live Series

Live Seasons

Channel Maps


Postal Codes

Tv Technologies


Catchup POD Settings



Blackout Collections
Blackout Schedules

Blackout GRC Areas

TVOpen Blackouts


CommercialIcon.png Commercial

Event Collections


External URLs

Commercial Offer


Pricing Model

Pricing Products



Massive PayPerView Purchases

Micro Payments

SIA Purchases

Netflix Billing

External Cancellations

External Purchases


Media Type Changes

Products Load

External Products


Netflix Promotions

Bundle Users

Bundle Packages

Netflix Bundle Plan Changes

Legacy Unique ID's


Service Types

InstancesIcon.png Commons


Dictionary Languages

Dictionary Editor


Image Profiles

Image Profiles x Product Types


Device Types

Device Type Groups

Device Type Model


Persons Roles





Content Category


UX References

Age Descriptors

AdminIcon.png Administration


GVP Jobs

GVP Jobs Configuration

GVP Agents

Access Control

Permissions Groups


MIB Users

Content Sources

Content Criteria


Content Workflow Tasks

DMM Control

Local Folders

Remote Folders

DMM Jobs

Encoding Profiles


Affected Services(Deprecated)

SCOM Notification (Deprecated)

Instance Notifications (Deprecated)

Event Collector (Deprecated)

Clients (Deprecated)

DTH Manager

DTH Companies

DTH Users

DTH Channel Maps

DTH Packages Maps